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I saw some people complaining about how the city in the abyss is hard to traverse and annoying. I kinda like that, it’s not for mortals, I like that I have to wait for things to move around. It makes the place feel more alive, I know it’s not optimal/kinda annoying, but I’m for it.

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about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by worm4real

I actually love the design of the city (at least after I figured out moving the camera makes the platforms move)

If this is intended or a work around I think is the real verdict here. If the whole idea was that you rotate your camera and the city responds, to me that kills any sense of the city. It's no longer "alive" it's just reacting to something that as far as the game world is concerned, doesn't exist. Either they didn't bother with making it navigable without that trick or gave up.

If there is some system for navigating the city that is broken, then it's on them to fix it. Was this segment designed before they decided the camera would rotate? Does it actually make more sense and work better from a fixed perspective? Who knows? They just need to fix it.

Camera rotation affecting the city is completely intentional :)