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Originally posted by Efficient-Ad2983

New WotR content? WoW!

OFC I'm not expecting something huge like new archetypes and the likes, but seeing that WotR is still supported makes me glad!

Archetypes? Who said archetypes? :D

Originally posted by peranamcor

Could this be related to GD update? There was talk among devs for GD getting a rework and this does mention fighting coruption, which is one of themes of GD

Nope, that'll come later :) This is a separate thing.

Originally posted by Asd396


Do you remember I said you guys have done a great job with Steam reviews after Devil update? :) It's already in production, so it's a matter of time now. No strict ETA, but somewhere closer to the end of the year.

Originally posted by mikepm07

Do you have a rough idea of when? Iā€™m holding off buying the final dlc until that comes out as it will warrant one more play through for me

~Very rough, end of the year.

Originally posted by stuck-in-2005

I hope this is not a Warhammer thing. I've never touched it with a 99 and a half foot pole, and I never intend to. Can you just round out the game's unfinished content already? Please, and thank you.

It's not related to Warhammer.

Originally posted by PhantomVulpe

Off topic but do you plan to fix a bug that involves not being able to use exotic weapons like the gnome hammer or Dwarven urgrosh even though some races that learn them by default but can't use them.

These are things that are best reported in-game via ALT+B.

Originally posted by Steravian

But what is "this"?

A new big paid DLC (hurray!)?

A new quest akin to Love Beyond Death via free DLC?

A crossover with Warhammer? Can I kick Nurgle, Khorne and other jerks as the KC? ^^

Any chance we might get something today to celebrate the 4 years of WoTR?

It's 3 years :)

The second option you suggested is close to reality, except this will have some mechanical content as well.

Originally posted by Glorfindel17

I wish they could get the rights to Kingmaker to give some support

We'd wish :(

Originally posted by Gothmucha

Is it maybe your new IP related? ^^

Nope :) It's a collaboration with another IP.

Originally posted by JustDracir

Is this going to be included in the main game or the insufferable sidecontent?

It's in the main game :)

Originally posted by Steravian

Speaking of Warhammer...any upcoming teasers for the DLC for Rogue Trader?

Or it might end up again postponed? :(

No plans to postpone it. Be patient and stay tuned to our media :)

Originally posted by Solock_PL

Is that an impossibly, ever?

Kinda unlikely.

Originally posted by Valdrax

Any plans for the corrupted Gold Dragon path to be expanded as part of it?

Don't expect something gargantuan there, but there are some updates planned, yes.

Originally posted by Kdlmajere

Ooooh what do we know about the Devil updates?

They were really well-received :)

Originally posted by Kdlmajere

where can I find the changes?

Look for the article on WotR Steam called 'Devil in the details'