2 months
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Hey there, Pathfinders!
Not long ago, we mentioned that Owlcat Games will publish two upcoming games, and right now you can participate in an open playtest of one of them: Rue Valley! It’s a narrative-driven RPG about a man trapped in a time loop. We’re also excited to show you a new Rue Valley trailer demonstrating its gameplay:
To try Rue Valley, you don’t need to purchase the game. All you need is to go to the store page:
You’ll see a ‘Join the Rue Valley Playtest’ box with a ‘Request Access’ button.
Press this button and confirm that you want to participate. After that, Rue Valley Alpha will appear in your library, and you’ll be able to install and play it.
Have fun in Rue Valley!
Not long ago, we mentioned that Owlcat Games will publish two upcoming games, and right now you can participate in an open playtest of one of them: Rue Valley! It’s a narrative-driven RPG about a man trapped in a time loop. We’re also excited to show you a new Rue Valley trailer demonstrating its gameplay:
To try Rue Valley, you don’t need to purchase the game. All you need is to go to the store page:
You’ll see a ‘Join the Rue Valley Playtest’ box with a ‘Request Access’ button.
Press this button and confirm that you want to participate. After that, Rue Valley Alpha will appear in your library, and you’ll be able to install and play it.
Have fun in Rue Valley!