Original Post — Direct link

So I finished up initial programming for the fifth character for R&R a few days ago. The current word count of the Strings file according to Notepad++ is 87,957.

To celebrate, I figured I would start the character reveals with the character I just finished programming. And might as well do the rest in reverse programming order. No real rhyme or reason to the order I wrote and programmed them beyond the first one (and last reveal) being the mini-romance so I could do my initial concept testing on something "short."

Before I get to the actual reveal, here are some reminders to hopefully answer common questions before they are asked:

  • Mod will contain interactions (including romances) with five female non-companion NPCs
  • Release date is scheduled for Valentine's Day
  • Initial (through Chapter 4) events are available to all mythic paths
  • You can find additional general info in the Initial Reveal post (link at the bottom)

Today's character was written in September and programmed in November.

Name: Aranka

Requirements: Azata mythic path unlocked

Teaser: While exploring the lands freed from demon control by the Fifth Crusade, Aranka stumbles upon an artifact in an old temple to Desna. She brings it to the Knight Commander in the hopes of helping the Crusade. But what will happen when this artifact, the Compass of Dreams, accidently activates when Aranka is handing it over?

Earliest Start Point: Chapter 2 (All)

Latest Start Point: Chapter 3 (Azata only)

Main Routes

  • Aranka keeps the artifact
  • Aranka gives up the artifact

Book Event Break Down

  • (Chapter 2/3) Aranaka shows up in camp/Drezen with an artifact. Hijinks ensue.
  • (Chapter 3) Rest event where you meet Aranka in a dream and get an explanation of the artifact
  • (Chapter 4) Rest event where you spend time with her in a dream as she struggles with what she wants to do with the artifact
  • (Chapter 5) Aranka tells you her decision (two different book events depending on the route, first route is a rest event)

Availability: Chapter 5 events events are unavailable for Demon, Lich, Devil, and Swarm. Also unavailable for Azata that try and fail to become Devils.

Mythic Paths with Major Reactivity

  • Azata
  • Devil (Azata->Devil only)

Potential Impacts on Base Game Events

  • Certain dialogue options will result in Hulrun being replaced with Chun without killing Hulrun or Ramien
  • Certain dialogue options will result in Lann/Wenduag being able to get their quest complete ending slides when recruited in Chapter 5. If you are using Expanded Epilogue, this will also trigger Wenduag's "nicer" ending variants if she is the Chapter 5 recruit.

Script Word Count: 18,059


So when I reviewed her dialogue in preparation for writing this, she didn't really have any obvious story hooks. She comes from a nice family. She doesn't seem to have any tortured past or dark secrets. Other than the whole Hulrun wants to run her out of town, she doesn't seem to have any current troubles.

So ultimately decided on giving her a "chosen one" plot where she is "chosen" by an artifact, but it obviously meant to choose the Knight Commander according to her. Allowed me focus on her "normalcy" while also having a plot with some forward momentum.

Now some of you might might be wondering about how this is going to work considering that Aranka doesn't have a portrait in game. Well never fear:

Say hello to Aranka

Added a flirt option (non-bards have an alternate flirt for the initial meeting)

I've commissioned artwork for her! I'm not going to reveal exactly how many characters I commissioned artwork for, but I'll say more than one, less than five. :P

The artist is u/Anna_Olive_Art. I came across her work in the Dragon Age subreddit a few months ago, and I contacted her immediately. Here are some words from her.

My name is Anna, and you can check my art or commission at https://www.artstation.com/annacarolinaoliveira or at Reddit as u/Anna_Olive_Art. It was a pleasure to draw for this project, and I'm just as excited to try the mod.

And here is the full image for anyone interested (in-game is slightly cropped and resized)

Full sized portrait without any cropping

So let's wrap this post by giving kudos to people who guessed (or hoped) correctly.

u/lofi-moonchild gets kudos for being the only person that mentioned Aranka in the comments of the announcement post.

Also kudos to u/zeddyzed for realizing that portraits would probably be needed. Technically, there are six non-companion females with portraits without (full) romances, so it wasn't impossible that I could have done five female non-companion romance routes without needing a new portrait. But portrait availability was never a consideration, just whether I thought I could do something interesting with the character.

Links to other Reveals

  • Initial reveal
  • Character Reveal 1 <- You are here
  • Character Reveal 2 (Coming Soon)
  • Character Reveal 3 (Coming Soon)
  • Character Reveal 4 (Coming Soon)
  • Character Reveal 5 (Coming Soon)
External link →
4 months ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Sounds like the time for another playthrough when it's released :)