Hello, crusaders!
An update 2.0.2c is here!
- The weather is back! Prepare your umbrella and vescavor repellent spray. And turning on photomode no longer starts the rain.
- In The Treasures of the Midnight Isles DLC, the next party you create after losing the previous one will find an item from the previous team in the chest. And we’ve also fixed the achievements (see below).
- Sounds from trickery checks will stop haunting you now.
- If you are playing with the controller, you can skip time now and hire armies after a total defeat.
- We’ve fixed the bleeding infusion for Blood Kineticists and the number of spells for the Eldritch Fonts.
- Vital Strike is also fixed now.
- And finally, the Commander is no longer trapped on the island in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC!

This patch is currently only available for Windows, we will upload a patch for macOS later.
If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves!
Beware of possible plot spoilers below!Areas
- The chaplain in Alushinyrra port will read the cleric scrolls for you now, if necessary;
- Fixed the issues with the terrain in the Rasping Rifts, now it looks as it should;
- If an island boss previously didn't appear on their island in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, they will appear now;
- In Blackwater, the progress of the puzzle with hand, wind, and fire symbols will no longer reset if you quit the dialogue;
- In Dry Crossroads, characters can no longer walk through the trees;
- In some cases, an island exit wouldn't appear in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC – fixed;
- In the integrated mode of The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, it was impossible to loot a container on one sand swamp map – fixed;
- In the Valley of Temples, corrupted mongrels kept getting up and fighting even after the demon was slain, which prevented the quest from progressing – fixed;
- Sometimes the game could crash if you triggered the big fire trap in Gray Garrison – fixed;
- Fixed the delay before the beginning of the conversation with Willodus;
- We've added a new check in the romance with Arueshalae. If the romance ended while she asked to let her think for a couple of days, the "Time to Think" quest will also fail.
- Items
- Updated some properties of Finnean. From now on, with the first improvement, he takes the form of a +3 ghost touch heartseeker weapon, and with the second—a +5 brilliant energy heartseeker weapon. The original and the soulless forms remained unchanged.
- After losing the armies, it was impossible to hire a new one if playing with a controller – fixed, there's an extra button for hiring now;
- Fixed the bug with the visual effects from the Knight Commander's party appearing in the middle of the tactical battlefield;
- The battle log now updates again during the tactical battles.
Classes & Mechanics
- Acid Evaporation effects from the Star Rattle flowers will stop now after a successful Fortitude saving throw;
- Bleeding Infusion always dealt 1 damage per round. Now, its damage depends on the amount of kinetic blast damage dice, just like the description says;
- Changed the class of Backstabbin' Bixie island boss in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC from Slayer to Alchemist;
- Changing the type of spell's elemental damage now correctly adds the DC from feats that affect the said element;
- Clerics of Asmodeus can use a mace in the name of Asmodeus now, like they are proficient with it;
- Damage Reduction doesn't stack anymore now if there's more than one source of it; instead, the highest number of DR is selected, like in tabletop version;
- Eldritch Font now gets the correct number of spells per day (once spell more per level than a regular arcanist);
- Fixed the bonus calculation when performing a combat maneuver. Now it counts any bonuses from unarmed attacks. If the maneuver was performed via a special attack (such as Trip (Bite attack), for example), the bonuses from this attack will be used;
- Fixed the incorrect stacking for the Perfect Form ability;
- Fixed the return of Ashen Curse status after saving and reloading. Now it will no longer return after you removed it from the character and saved;
- Impervious Tailwind provided benefits to every class – fixed, now it only empowers the classes listed in its description;
- Paladin's Celestial Divine Mount now gets smite evil at 11th level;
- Psychotic Undertow forced the caster to make a Will saving throw for each charge of Magic Missile – fixed, now characters make only one Will save for this spell;
- Retriever's Eye Rays (Petrification) no longer instantly kills, but instead requires a Fortitude saving throw, as expected;
- Shake It Off team feat now works correctly. It has a proper radius of effect now, and will be displayed in the battle log;
- Tailwind of Gnomish Fortune works correctly now: you get 5.000 gold for creating a gnome character, and each gnome in the party reduces the prices by 10%;
- The Nails feat now allows shamans and witches to use their sharp nails instead of fists to deal damage when they are unarmed;
- Unholy Dispel of Zombie attempted to dispel all the effects, instead of just one – fixed;
- Vital Strike now works correctly with the dice size modifications;
- Weapon Proficiency (Flail) didn't display for the characters who had it – fixed;
- Zippy Magic now properly works with the touch spells, like cure wounds;
- The Extra Bombs feat works with the Arcane Bomber archetype now.
- Added the option to skip time when playing with a controller;
- Animal companions are no longer displayed as party members, if you are in the location where they are not present, or if you can't control them;
- Bonuses (when executing combat maneuvers, for example) and saving throws were displayed incorrectly in the battle log – fixed;
- Fixed the combat text (above the characters in battle) for saving throws. Previously, a bonus from the ability scores wasn't included in the number on the right. On the left, we still see a pure dice roll result, and on the right, the number can't be higher than 20;
- Fixed the issue with animal companion icon not showing in some situations (in the caves under Kenabres, for example);
- Fixed the localization in the defeat window in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
- For the controller interface, added a button to interact with Shamira;
- For the controller UI, increased the number of options for spell context menu, fixed the issue with crashes when opening a shortcut menu for spells with numerous options on the action bar;
- In photomode, navigation could stop working after quitting to main menu and loading a save again – fixed;
- Sometimes the images on loading screen could be missing – fixed;
- We brought back the party banters when resting on the global map for controller mode;
- When playing with a controller, book events on the global map could block the ability to move – fixed;
- When playing with the controller, the "Expand" option during character creation opened two tooltip windows instead of one – fixed;
- When the party wasn't full, an animal companion would appear in the controller UI twice: together with its master, and separately – fixed, now the animal companion only appears once, next to the master's portrait.
- Some traps kept playing the sounds after being disarmed – fixed;
- Sounds from picking a lock could loop, if the process was interrupted in the middle of the trickery check – fixed.
- A number of visual effects has been optimized;
- Becoming a demigod now happens with a beautiful visual effect;
- Fixed the transparency of the container with Pipefox pet in Ancientries and Wonders Shop, so you won't miss the pet now!
- Fixed the weather effects;
- In Drezen, characters could sink into some objects – fixed.
System- When changing the colors of the class costume and other items, the character could noticeably twitch in the inventory menu – fixed, we've reduced that twitching.
- After a party wipe in the Treasures of the Midnight Isles DLC, the new party will find a single random item inside the chest, left from the previous treasure hunters;
- After completing a full standalone run of The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, you didn't get a free mercenary on the new run – fixed;
- Fixed the achievement ID for the achievements Ride the Wind, Windcatcher, and Windmaster, and now they will properly unlock;
- Fixed the issue, when the chain in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC stopped responding to the attempts to interact with it;
- In the Treasures of the Midnight Isles DLC, the player's chest didn't reset after winning the game and starting a new one – fixed;
- Photomode no longer lets you control the weather;
- Sometimes your companions could undress when changing the colors of their costume – fixed;
- Sometimes, after being forced to move by a spell (for example, after falling into a pit), the character couldn't move anymore – fixed;
- You can buy alcohol from Wilcer Garms now.