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“We’ve walked a long road together. Do you remember how it all started?” — A Dance of Masks trailer.


With the development of Wrath of the Righteous all but complete, it’s about time we pause, take a deep breath, and reflect on everything this journey has been.

Enough to say, this was as much of an adventure for us, the studio, as it was for you, the players. With this chapter of our story finally coming to an end, we wanted to share how it felt to shape this magical world together with our players.

Make yourself comfortable, grab your favorite drink, and prepare for a trip down memory lane - this is going to be a long read!

Kingmaker Times
... Read more

29 Jan

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
We are finally ready to publish the answers to the massive Reddit AMA that took place in December.

That's a LOT of things you wanted to know, and we tried to answer as many as we could! Read and discuss!

There are so many questions, that it didn't fit into a Steam page, so we invite you to visit our website:


20 Nov

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

In close collaboration with Owlcat Games, Skar Productions and Kristin Starkey are proud to invite you on a nostalgic journey back to Golarion in their fantastic music video "Wrath of the Righteous"!

They managed to perfectly capture the spirit of this epic adventure, and with this long story finally coming to an end with the release of the G... Read more

15 Nov

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

A few months ago, during the release of A Dance of Masks DLC, we showed you that the Devil is always in the details. You all seemed to really enjoy it, so it’s about time we take the next step and invite you to witness the flight of the dragons!

Yes, it is what you think it is! The long-anticipated finale of the years-long effort to flesh out the Mythic paths — the update to the Gold Dragon path — is here.

Coming in the impending major patch 2.5, the update tweaks and improves many aspects of this Mythic path.

Let’s give you a sneak peek!

New Visuals
We’ll start with the shiny new visuals. While the original Gold Dragon always had a distinctive visual identity, we always felt that we could kick this up a notch.

With this update, the Dragon has received a few new spell effects and animations — this ... Read more

15 Jul

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
Crusaders and all strategy game lovers rejoice! TactiCon is almost here.

A spectacular game digital convention on Steam is starting in just three days and will be held July 18-22, 2024. A whole 4 days of fun, your favorite games, discounts, streams, and much more await you.

And we’re excited to announce that we’ll take part in this glorious event as well!

Warhammer 40,000: Rogue Trader will be presented with a 35% discount. Do not miss the opportunity to try the game if you haven’t yet or call your friends to share an adventure in co-op with them!

Moreover, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous game, DLCs, and other components will be available with up to 80% off!

See you at TactiCon!

23 May

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, or so they say. And in Wrath of the Righteous, this phrase can have a quite literal meaning.

Devil is the final, 10th Mythic path in Wrath of the Righteous, available only to the Commanders who began their Mythic journey as an Aeon or Azata. It was added to the game in secrecy, never having been mentioned in any articles or announcements before release, and purposefully avoided in our social media for a good while after. Even the patch notes referred to it as a “secret Mythic” for nearly two years!

Of course, it didn’t take long for players to discover this surprise. The option of becoming an agent of Hell itself on Golarion was instantly recognized as a very cool concept, and was met with a very warm welcome. The intimidating blazing winged figure of Mephistopheles added to the picture.

... Read more

20 Oct

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
Hello, crusaders!

An update 2.0.2c is here!

  • The weather is back! Prepare your umbrella and vescavor repellent spray. And turning on photomode no longer starts the rain.
  • In The Treasures of the Midnight Isles DLC, the next party you create after losing the previous one will find an item from the previous team in the chest. And we’ve also fixed the achievements (see below).
  • Sounds from trickery checks will stop haunting you now.
  • If you are playing with the controller, you can skip time now and hire armies after a total defeat.
  • We’ve fixed the bleeding infusion for Blood Kineticists and the number of spells for the Eldritch Fonts.
  • Vital Strike is also fixed now.
  • And finally, the Commander is no longer trapped on the island in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC!
... Read more

23 Sep

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Important news, Pathfinders!

Next tuesday, September 27, we will be holding an AMA (Ask-Me-Anything) session on our subreddit:, devoted to the upcoming release of Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous Enhanced Edition!

Join us at 17:00 CEST/18:00 MSK/11 A.M. EDT/8 A.M. PDT and ask any questions about Pathfinder from the Community Management team and the following mythic Owlcat devs:

  • Alexander Mishulin, Owlcat Games Creative Director
  • Arseniy Krymov, Pathfinder team ...
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    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

Ahoy, Captains!

We have processed the results of the Midnight Isles Challenge that took place during the last week, and we are ready to announce the winners!

  • NORMAL difficulty: the winner is YES MAN, who has beaten the Star Rattle and 4 mini-bosses in a single attempt over 7 hours 43 minutes.

    Unfortunately the provided channel link has ceased working after we processed the results, so we urge the winner to contact us and provide a new one as soon as possible!

  • DARING difficulty: (that has turned out to be surprisingly unforgiving!) the winner title goes to Game kNight Plays[...
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05 Apr

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
Last week we spoke of aasimars, descendants of good-aligned creatures from other worlds. Today we will look at tieflings, a mixture of humans and fiends. They made their first appearance in the Wildcards DLC for Pathfinder: Kingmaker, and appreciation for them in the community has been huge ever since.

Tieflings are both something more and something less than mere mortals. Outsider blood provides them with special abilities, but also makes them a target of fear, disdain, and hatred. Most tieflings don’t know anything about their outsider ancestor – the evil legacy may sleep for multiple generations, only to appear later in a child of two ordinary-looking humans.

The most common tiefling heritages are:

Hellspawn (Devil-Spawn). These tieflings are born of lawful evil outsiders from Hell. While often rigid, stub... Read more

27 Jan

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
Greetings, crusaders!

The Lunar New Year is upon us, and we’ve got something for you!

First of all, Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous and all additional content is now available in Steam, GOG and Epic Games Store with a 20% discount! Have you been waiting for the right moment to begin your own crusade? Wanted to prepare for your future adventures with Season Pass? Or perhaps you waited for a chance to introduce your friend to the world of Golarion? This is the perfect opportunity:

It’s also the time to grab the brand new Free DLC: A Visitor from Distant Lands and get your own pet sovereign dragon that will assist you in Knowledge and Lore skill checks! Known for their wisdom, majestic sovereign dragons rarely leave their homeland of Tian Xia, and it is even more surprising to find one of them, you... Read more

26 Jan

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
Let's play The Weakest Archetype game!

Follow the link below and vote for the archetype or a prestige class you found the least useful. All names are in English and Russian:

20 Jan

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
Of all the elements that make up Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, music holds a special place — it is something that kindles the players' interest and sparks passionate discussions. We still have plenty of exciting development stories and never-before-seen content up our sleeve, so why not share some of it? Sergey Eybog, Lead Audio Engineer at Owlcat Games, and Dmitry Silantyev, composer of the main theme (along with many other tracks) for Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous, are here to tell you about how the main theme was born and share a few of their unreleased drafts.

Creating the main theme for Wrath of the Righteous wasn't easy and took us a long time. We went through a number of iterations that were quite different from each other, as we strove to align our ideas with those of the development team, before finally settling on the version that you can now hear in the game.

We had a set of key criteria for the main theme: we were looking for a melody tha... Read more

24 Nov

    Starrok on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Pinned, thanks for the effort!

30 Sep

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hotfix 1.0.7f has been deployed. It contains the following fixes:

  • Cantrips should no longer be missing from the spellbooks;
  • Cantrips can now be correctly set to autocast again.

29 Sep

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

Hotfix 1.0.7e is live!

It addresses the following issues:

  • Phantom level 0 classes no longer appear in your spellbook.
  • Game no longer crashes when entering and exiting buildings in Act IV
    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

A new patch has been deployed. Note that the Mac version will be delayed by approximately two hours.

Known Issues:

  • Sometimes a 2x2 sized unit in the army window may get grayed out and be unable to move to another slot. Closing and opening the window a few times should help.
  • Spellbook may contain phantom classes with level 0 under the character classes. This is a visual issue that will be fixed soon.

Beware of possible plot spoilers below!

Quests and companions:
  • Camelia sometimes kept hiding in the basement for too long - fixed;
  • Ramien's death sometimes didn't register correctly, which led to odd situations in later chapters.
  • Mercy quest could become blocked for players visiting aasimar's basement earlier than intended - fixed;
  • Romantic brawl with Lann now has a time limit, so non-melee cl...
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24 Sep

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct

A new patch has been deployed.

Beware of possible plot spoilers below!

Quests and companions:
  • When companions temporarily left your group as a part of the story, they could return dead if they had negative conditions on them - fixed;
  • When selecting the unique dialogue option for the Secret mythic path in the final dialogue, cutscene could freeze - fixed;
  • Companion quests sometimes weren't failing if the companion was sacrificed by the Lich - fixed;
  • Demon Mythic could sometimes be unselectable for some time after exiting combat - fixed;
  • In some circumstances Inger-Maggor didn't drop the key for the gate - fixed;
  • Cold Waters quest now correctly displays the warning to complete the quest before the end of this chapter only in chapter 2;
  • It's no longer possible to get Shadow Dance quest if the player failed Corruption q...
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10 Sep

    Starrok on Steam - Thread - Direct
We’ve just uploaded a hotfix (1.0.2g for Windows and 1.0.2f for Mac) for the following issues:

  • Difficulty settings were resetting to default after the 1.0.2e patch - fixed;
  • It was possible to loot the same corpses multiple times - fixed;
  • In the crusade mode, the Necromancy effect only spawned the undead units if there were none in your army - fixed.
To arms!
    Starrok on Steam Forums - Thread - Direct
Deleting all files from C:\Users\\AppData\LocalLow\Owlcat Games\Wrath of the Righteous, except for Saved Games, Portraits and Screenshots, should be enough. Reinstalling the game should not be required.