about 2 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
about 2 years ago - galagraphia - Direct link
Hello, Pathfinders!

We invite the bravest of you to participate in the beta-test of the 2.1.0 update!

  • Fixed multiple issues with navigation (like not being able to go somewhere or being able to walk through various objects) on different locations;
  • Fixed multiple kineticist abilities;
  • Tactical battles now have buttons to speed up the combat and to make the army fight automatically;
  • Fixed the issue with the vertical axis when playing with a controller;
  • The Skeletal Salesman got new goods in his store in the 5th chapter;
  • Multiple fixes and optimizations for The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC.

If you want to participate, open the game’s properties, go to the Betas tab and switch to the Betatest branch. Download the update and start playing!

If you are playing with mods, don’t forget to update them before loading your saves! And if you encounter a bug, press Alt+B, and let us know about it!

Beware of possible plot spoilers below!

  • A chest near the inn was difficult to open during the siege of Drezen – fixed;
  • A trap couldn't be disabled on the Treasure Island – fixed;
  • Although Daeran is flawless, we had to fix a couple of minor bugs at his party;
  • At the Battlebliss arena, the camera will focus on the arena manager at the beginning of the fight now;
  • Changed the area where enemies spawn on one of the islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • During the siege of Drezen, enemies could try to attack you when you were on the walls above them – fixed;
  • Fixed a cutscene skip in Blackwater;
  • Fixed a possible bug when skipping a cut-scene during the first meeting with Irabeth in the Gray Garrison;
  • Fixed duplicate exits from The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC island – now you can return to the ship without loot;
  • Fixed navigation in one house's basement in Kenabres;
  • Fixed navigation on the edges of the map in the fog of war;
  • Fixed numerous issues of objects and containers with loot disappearing when a character came near them;
  • Fixed the camera issues on one of the islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • Fixed the exit from Ziggurat to the city streets;
  • Fixed the interaction with the altar in Defender's Heart;
  • Fixed the issue during the attack on the Defender's Heart tavern, when Greybor killed Kilas without saying a word, and then froze for a couple of seconds;
  • Fixed the issue with a loot container at the Legacy of the Ancients;
  • Fixed the issue with navigation during the attack on Defender's Heart;
  • Fixed the issue with navigation in Alushinyrra's Lower City;
  • Fixed the issue with navigation in Desna's temple in Kenabres;
  • Fixed the issue with the fog of war near one of the Drezen walls;
  • Fixed the lighting in Nameless Ruins;
  • Fixed the lighting in Neathholm;
  • Fixed the navigation at the Bladesmith Workshop;
  • Fixed the navigation at the Lost Chapel entrance, and it should be easier for a mounted character to ride through the gate;
  • Fixed the navigation in Pulura's Fall;
  • Fixed the navigation in the brothel's basement;
  • Fixed the navigation in the secret section of Areelu's Laboratory;
  • Fixed the navigation inside the temple during the siege of Drezen;
  • Fixed the navigation near the gates of the Mineshaft Fourteen, and this issue no longer gets in the way of A Refuge from the Present quest;
  • Fixed the navigation on Drezen's stairs;
  • Fixed the navigation on the roof of Drezen's barracks;
  • Fixed the navigation outside of Threshold fortress, and it's no longer possible to walk through the boulder;
  • Fog of war has been fixed for the hidden rooms in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • Improved lighting in Bear's Maw Shrine;
  • In Drezen's Citadel, it was possible to spot enemies through the wall in a specific place – fixed;
  • In Midnights Fane, the skill check to cross the chasm and get back is visible from the start now;
  • In Shield Maze, if the cutscene with Savamelekh was skipped, mongrels weren't eating the corpses – fixed;
  • In Shield Maze, it was possible for a character to walk outside the borders of the map and disappear – fixed;
  • In some cases, a Lich couldn't enter the Harem of Ardent Dreams – fixed;
  • In some cases, the event with Yaker's arrival to the throne room couldn't start – fixed;
  • In the cutscene with Undead Marilith, Champion of Areshkagal, technical information could be seen while the spell was being cast – fixed;
  • In The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, on the islands affected by the Arcane Undertow, magic eater pseudodragons will only appear in combat now;
  • In The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, the cultists in the undead squads were replaced with monsters of higher CR;
  • In Through the Ashes DLC, fixed the issue with the stone in the caves, which could harm the characters who were standing behind it, after it rolled down;
  • In Wintersun, speakers were missing in some dialogues – fixed;
  • Irmangaleth no longer takes damage from lava on the arena;
  • It was impossible to loot one of the chests in Iz – fixed;
  • It was possible to get stuck in some broken old furniture at Heaven's Edge – fixed;
  • It was possible to pass through a tower near the barracks in Drezen – fixed;
  • It was possible to see a hidden room through a secret door on one of the treasure islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC – fixed;
  • It was possible to steal the wedding ring at the Houndheart Campsite – fixed;
  • Mythic Demon could escape the arena in the 3rd chapter without a fight – fixed;
  • One of the traps in Lost Chapel couldn't be disarmed – fixed;
  • One of the treasure islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isle DLC had two exit points, when playing the DLC as a part of the main campaign – fixed;
  • Portals at the Other Side of Threshold could work incorrectly – fixed;
  • Replaced a pit trap in Iz with a different one;
  • Resting at the Ten Thousand Delights didn't restore companions' health or refresh spells – fixed;
  • Some chests in the Upper City of Alushinyrra could not be opened – fixed;
  • Sometimes Devarra the dragon could appear in a random encounter even if she was previously killed – fixed;
  • Sometimes, some party members could get stuck on a platform shard after the final battle in the Ineluctable Prison – fixed;
  • Swarms will no longer spawn near fire elementals on treasure islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • The player could meet Svendack in the Ineluctable Prison, although she was killed already – fixed;
  • The quality of service in the Bad Luck tavern in Alushinyrra's Lower City has improved, and commander's companions can rest and remove negative effects on rest now as well;
  • The transition from the global map to the Forgotten Secrets could work incorrectly – fixed;
  • There was a chest at Martyr Zacharius's Cemetery that was hard to unlock because of navigational issues – fixed;
  • Vescavors no longer live near animals on treasure islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • Victims of the jewelry obsession are now lying properly in beds in Drezen's temple;
  • Areas:Fixed a small issue with a loot container at the Heart of Mystery.

  • Changed the balance of the fight with Deskari in Iz;
  • During A Noble Intent quest, Camellia could become invisible – fixed;
  • Fixed the conditions of failure for the Attack out of Nowhere quest;
  • Fixed the conditions to complete or fail the 'Seek and Ye Shall Find' quest;
  • Fixed the issue when the party couldn't go to Pulura's Fall with the Hand of the Inheritor on Angel's mythic path;
  • Improved combat with Dimalchio in Arueshalae's quest;
  • It was possible to get a duplicate of one ceremonial dagger in Pulura's Fall – fixed; all daggers can be found, but you need to roll well on the perception check to find some;
  • Sometimes Sosiel didn't appear inside the prison to talk to the imposter – fixed, he will plan his time better now;
  • Sometimes the Untamed Spirit quest wouldn't finish after giving the sword to Regnard – fixed;
  • The quest to return the Solemn Hour sword to Irabeth sometimes wouldn't start, even though scabbard was returned to her – fixed.

Turn-based mode
  • Eye Collector got a portrait for the initiative order;
  • Fixed a bug with zombies in the graveyard in turn-based mode;
  • Mites didn't have portraits in turn-based mode – fixed;
  • Nereids got a portrait for the initiative order;
  • Oozes didn't have portraits in turn-based mode – fixed;
  • Werevolves got portraits for the initiative order.

  • Amulet Of Unforgiving Elements worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Changed the price on the Duality of Conjuration and Summoning, and fixed the bug, which didn't allow to obtain the Scroll of Resourceful Rage;
  • Claws of a Sacred Beast now work correctly with the Amulet of Mighty Fists;
  • Dark Master's Robe and Censor's Robe will be equipped in the shirt slot now, instead of the armor slot;
  • Eye of Truth has been reworked;
  • Fixed issues with damage for the following Honorable Judgment Gnome Hooked Hammer, Nature's Wrath Greatclub, Bellowing Howl Shortspear, Jharsygax pet, Club with Nails, Dark Glowing Scythe, Boots of Stampede, Vicious weapons;
  • Fixed the description of the Belt of Lesser Cold Resistance;
  • Fixed the textures of Ironclad Will;
  • Happy Traveler's Shirt increased the movement speed only in combat – fixed;
  • Now after defeating Savamelekh Lann or Wenduag may create a unigue bow from his spine;
  • Now Guardian's Shield increases the competence bonus to attacks of opportunity to +6;
  • Now the Triumphant Noontide shield, an artifact created from the Light Shield of the Faultless Daybreak, works as described;
  • Phylactery of Positive Channeling didn't work for a warpriest – fixed;
  • Realm Protector now calculates the damage reduction correctly;
  • Ring of Sacred Touch didn't provide a damage bonus when performing a Dimension Strike – fixed;
  • Ring of Triumphant Advance didn't double the morale bonuses to abilities – fixed;
  • The buff of the Resourceful Smite scroll has been changed, and a new effect has been added to the scroll;
  • The Cloak Of Darkest Rites didn't provide the bonuses to Lich's companions – fixed;
  • The effect of the Grave Singer greataxe triggered more than once per encounter – fixed;
  • The Holemaker shield had a +5 Enhancement bonus to damage and attack applied twice – fixed;
  • The Pristine Mind mask, which you could get after deciding the fate of the Face-Stealer's Mask, will now provide the correct number of rerolls for a death saving throw. Additionally, after re-equipping this item, the counter of rerolls will no longer reset now;
  • The Ring of Sacred Touch didn't provide a damage bonus to touch attacks – fixed;
  • The Undying Love of the Hopebringer heavy shield will no longer reset the amount of charges after being unequipped and equipped once more;
  • The Wide Sweep scythe now deals less damage to additional targets;
  • We have finally solved the problems with the suppliers, and now our quartermaster, Wilcer Garms, sells alcoholic drinks… For adults only;
  • We've rounded the discounted vendors' prices for a more pleasant look;
  • We've sharpened the daggers, and now they all deal slashing damage.

  • Added the auto-battle and maximum speed-up function in the tactical battle mode;
  • Removed the function of replacing general's spells in the additional panel by dragging and dropping in the tactical battle to avoid errors;
  • The button revealing additional spells could disappear in the tactical battle – fixed.

Classes & Mechanics
  • The Sirocco spell now can be bolstered by metamagic;
  • A base attack bonus, granted by the Transformation spell, depended on the caster and not the target – fixed;
  • A crossblooded sorcerer gained well-deserved access to the secrets of druid, cleric and wizard spells;
  • A Divine Hunter paladin will get the correct number of uses of the Divine Hunter Bond ability now;
  • A Mystic Theurge can merge their spellbook with an Espionage Expert correctly now;
  • A paladin now gains an additional use of Divine Weapon Bond at level 17;
  • A resurrection scroll now works correctly and resurrects the character with full health;
  • A scald didn't get the benefits of Rage Powers – fixed;
  • A Trickster with Lore (Religion) 2 rank couldn't select the Domain Zealot mythic feat – fixed;
  • Abilities Rage Power and Crippling Blows worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Abilities, that give a bonus against enemies of certain size, took into consideration only the original size of the targets, and not the current size, which could be changed with a spell – fixed;
  • Activated powers that consume resources now show the time until the next resource drain;
  • Added a requirement for Fencing Grace and Slashing Grace to not have a Weapon Finesse (Mythic) feat;
  • Additional damage dice from the Tailwind of Fists did not multiply on a critical hit – fixed;
  • The aggressor animal companion archetype has been changed, and the Bleeding Strike ability is available at the 1st level now, and then improves at the 5th, 10th, 15th, and 20th levels;
  • Alchemical Weapon ability, Alkenstar Alchemist background, and Negative Energy Mastery ability worked together incorrectly – fixed;
  • Alchemist's Precise Bombs discovery had incorrect requirements (not to have a specific alchemist archetype instead of being able to use bombs) – fixed;
  • Alderpash became more formidable in battle;
  • Alkenstar alchemist background provided incorrect bonus to bomb damage – fixed;
  • All elemental wild shapes now work correctly;
  • An Improved Improved Critical wasn't recommended for the player's character with Perception 2 rank – fixed;
  • An Inquisitor who took the Loremaster prestige class now correctly gains a caster level and new spells when they take the Mystic Theurge prestige class;
  • An oracle, who gained access to Mystic Theurge, Hellknight Signifer, or Loremaster prestige class by merging a Spellbook with an Angel's Mythic Spellbook now properly gains a caster level and new spells;
  • Animal Companion wasn't getting a bonus from the Nomad background correctly – fixed;
  • Aponavicius has a Displacement buff now;
  • Arcane Armor didn't stack with the existing enhancement bonus for the Armored Battlemage Class – fixed;
  • Arcane Bomber Wizard was unable to select Extra Bombs – fixed;
  • Arcane Rider's bonus feat didn't have a name or description at the archetype progression tab – fixed;
  • Aspect of Balor no longer grants a mythical bonus to Intelligence when activated while active Demonic Rage;
  • Aspect of Deskari couldn't overcome physical damage reduction and didn't turn energy damage into unholy – fixed;
  • Aspect of Shadow Demon no longer grants a mythical bonus to Wisdom when activated while active Demonic Rage;
  • Aspect of the Wolf, greater Animal Aspect, Aspect of the Falcon, Aspect of the Bear, Aspect of the Stag, Blessing of the Salamander, Frightful Aspect, Geniekind, Fiery Body, Ice Body, and Iron Body spells now benefit from Master Shapeshifter feat and got the polymorph descriptor;
  • At the island with the Besmarite Undertow in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles, the Pirates' Ire effect could stack on a single character multiple times – fixed;
  • Babau's saving throws have been changed;
  • Babau's Votary Poisoner used incorrect feats in the ranged combat – fixed;
  • Balor Darrazand became more aggressive in battle, and will fight you with all his balor might during the siege of Drezen now;
  • Banishment now only counts the hit dice from those creatures that it has successfully affected;
  • Baphomet's Chosen will use his abilities and attack your party properly now;
  • Battle Song — Final Verse affected all the enemies around the battle singer – fixed;
  • Bestow Curse, Greater couldn't be affected by Persistent Metamagic – fixed;
  • Bestow Grace now interacts correctly with the Extended Spell metamagic effect;
  • Blade Whirlwind ability had no cost and metakinetic powers did not increase it – fixed;
  • Blightborn elves and Kindred-Raised half-elves can no longer gain the Improved Elven Immunities feat, as they don't have access to the basic Elven Immunities;
  • Blink spell worked against AoE spells, which it wasn't supposed to do – fixed;
  • Blood Kineticist was not given a charged water blast if they chose electricity as the second element – fixed;
  • Bloodrager's One with Nature ability now works only with enemy creatures;
  • Bloodragers with mixed bloodline didn't receive energy resistance while raging – fixed;
  • Bonuses at the 8th level of Hellknight Signifer prestige class are being calculated correctly now;
  • Bonuses to strength, dexterity, and constitution from the Master Shapeshifter mythic ability will be displayed separately now;
  • Bosun Bonecracker boss from The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC has been buffed, and now gives us the creeps;
  • Bounty of Heroism didn't give a temporary HP bonus metamagic effect – fixed;
  • Brilliant Inspiration spell allowed to reroll d20 twice instead of once – fixed;
  • Brutality Incarnate and Inspire Ferocity abilities affected unarmed attacks instead of natural attacks only – fixed;
  • By absorbing and overcoming Savamelekh's poison, Lann obtained a part of the demon's power. Now he gains +2 racial bonus to Strength and Constitution, and +4 to saving throws against poisons;
  • By solving Desna's riddle, Arueshalae became closer to her goddess and her domain. Now she gains a luck bonus to saving throws, equal to half of her mythic level;
  • Celestial template for animal companions now correctly provides DR and Spell Resistance;
  • Champion of the Faith's Smite ability now works according to its description;
  • Changed the description for the Racer animal companion archetype to reflect the increase in speed with levels;
  • Characters didn't receive an immunity to vescavor's Gibber ability after passing the save – fixed;
  • Characters who are immune to disease or have the Life Bubble active effect are now fully immune to Vrock's spores;
  • Charge could be performed even if the character only had a ranged weapon – fixed;
  • Cleaving Finish Feat worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Combat Maneuver Defense (CMD) bonus from buffs wasn't applied correctly – fixed;
  • Controlled Fireball now works according to the description, dealing minimal damage to allies;
  • Corrupted Blood spell now allows the enemy to roll a saving throw, when the spell has just been cast;
  • Demonic Rage used to activate regular Rage – fixed;
  • Derakni Devastator from Wintersun caves was reworked to better match the party's level in chapter 3;
  • Dispelling Attack didn't work with Arcane Trikster's spells – fixed;
  • Domain Zealot didn't allow to use the abilities of your domains as a swift action – fixed;
  • Dragonkind II spell stopped working on the player with Bloodrager class after a battle – fixed;
  • Dragonkind spells had an incorrect description regarding the bonus type to ability scores – fixed;
  • Duelist's No Retreat ability has been reworked – now it provides a +2 attack bonus on attacks of opportunity and +1 to the number of such attacks;
  • Earthian Elemental Undertow now correctly limits the number of attacks;
  • Effects of the Lead Blades and the Quarterstaff Damage ability stacked – fixed;
  • Enlightened Philosopher's Final Revelation didn't scale the Charisma saving throws correctly – fixed;
  • Espionage Master ability worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Feast of Blood no longer affects undead creatures and constructs;
  • Fiery Body spell granted a claw attack instead of an unarmed attack – fixed;
  • Fiery Body, Iron Body, and Ice Body spells are now considered as efects with a polymorph descriptor, and remove all polymorph effects from the target;
  • Fighter Stance now provides an attack bonus instead of increasing the BAB;
  • Fixed accepting Demon Origin by Woljif. Poison Resistance was added to Demonic Origin;
  • Fixed an incorrect Mental Acuity bonus at level 20;
  • Fixed Areelu's behaviour in the final battle;
  • Fixed Inspirational Leader Mythic Feat;
  • Fixed issues with damage for the following abilities: Angelic Attacks Rage Power, Mythic Charge, Mythic Leading Strike;
  • Fixed issues with damage for the following spells: Resounding Blow, Firebrand, Acid Maw, Geniekind, Vampiric Blade, Elemental Assessor;
  • Fixed multiple issues with auto-levelling;
  • Fixed penalties to maximum Dexterity modifier when overloaded;
  • Fixed the behavior of Cambion clerics in battle;
  • Fixed the buffs on Tortured Skeleton Sniper;
  • Fixed the combat behavior of a bandit necromancer in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC;
  • Fixed the duration for the Animal Aspect, Greater spell, and removed the extra icon of the effect;
  • Fixed the enhancement bonus stacking during natural attacks;
  • Fixed the issue when the secret holy symbol of Lamashtu didn't appear in the chest;
  • Fixed the issue with the Ashen Lady's death;
  • Fixed the Primalist's level progression for characters with two bloodlines;
  • Fixed the Stoneskin effect on the enemies;
  • Fixed the Weapon Focus description;
  • For Ley Line Guardian witch archetype, there was no title for the spellbook – fixed;
  • For Sohei's Devoted Guardian the name and the description of the ability was missing – fixed;
  • For the Canine Ferocity ability of Cavalier of the Paw, the type and source of the attack bonus were not displayed in the log – fixed;
  • For the random effects of Wild Magic on the islands in The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, Wild Magic has been divided into tiers: now the first tier spells are not as deadly;
  • For warpriest's archetype Shieldbearer, the damage from an attack made with a shield wasn't affected by the Sacred Weapons feat – fixed;
  • Freebooter's Bond granted an attack bonus against any flat-footed enemy, not just flanked ones – fixed;
  • Freedom of Movement now gives immunity to staggered condition;
  • Frightful Aspect and Dragonkind I, II, and III could be active on the same character at the same time – fixed;
  • Grease spell no longer works on the riders, only on their mounts;
  • Grenadier gained the Alchemical Weapon — Holy Water ability;
  • Healer's Touch increased Nature skill instead of Religion – fixed;
  • Hunter's Animal Focus ability granted bonuses incorrectly – fixed;
  • Hunter's Forester archetype has finally received additional uses of the Tactician ability, as described. You may need to retrain the character;
  • Hunter's Surprise ability didn't add sneak attack damage correctly – fixed;
  • Imitator's ability Monk Stance now gives a correct amount of additional attacks at the 20th level;
  • Imitator's Barbarian Stance granted incorrect bonuses – fixed;
  • Imitator's Fighter Stance granted incorrect bonuses – fixed;
  • Imitator's Monk Stance granted incorrect bonuses – fixed;
  • Imitator's Rogue Stanc granted incorrect bonuses – fixed;
  • Improved Nenio's autolevelling template;
  • Improved the balance of Star Rattle boss battle;
  • Improved the logics of the Vital Strike ability, and it's interaction with damage multiplication on critical hits;
  • In some cases, Areelu Vorlesh stopped fighting the Swarm That Walks, but kept taking damage from it – fixed;
  • In the class progression window, the Secrets of the Grave ability was displayed incorrectly for the Dirge Bard archetype – fixed;
  • In The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, an alchemist could use way too many bombs with the Fast Bombs ability under the island's slow effects – fixed;
  • In The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, some boon-related achievements were unobtainable – fixed;
  • In The Treasure of the Midnight Isles DLC, the Force Reality ability now works on the Illusive Undertow effects;
  • Incense Synthesizer's Incense Fog — Improved Incense now works correctly with Incense Fog — Increased Range, providing the right attack and damage bonuses... in the name of science, of course!
  • Inspiring Word didn't Provide a bonus to skill checks – fixed;
  • Instinctual Warrior did not receive stance bonuses – fixed;
  • Instrument of Freedom ability dealt damage to allies – fixed;
  • Invisibility, Almost Greater spell worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • It was possible to activate two rage effects at the same time – fixed. All characters went through the anger management courses;
  • Jolting Portent spell now correctly calculates damage and difficulty for oracles;
  • Kineticist's Blizzard Blast had an extra Channel Negative Energy descriptor – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Charged Water Blast had an extra Channel Negative Energy descriptor – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Cold Blast had an extra Channel Positive Energy descriptor – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Electric Blast had an extra Movement Impairing descriptor – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Grappling Infusion had incorrect DC – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Ice Blast had an extra Arcane descriptor – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Mud Blast had an extra Siege descriptor – fixed;
  • Kineticist's Sandstorm Blast had an extra Negative Level descriptor – fixed;
  • Kitsune will no longer lose additional attacks after changing shape into a human;
  • Lich ability Withering Life didn't work correctly with AoE spells – fixed;
  • Lich's Ravener has been improved and given a breath appropriate to its type;
  • Lullaby spell had the wrong duration and worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Magical Tail (Kitsune) feats were united into a single feat;
  • Martyr (paladin archetype) no longer gains the Mark of Justice at the 11th level, as they don't have access to Smite Evil;
  • Martyr's Mercy ability worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Metamagic (Extend Spell) didn't increase the duration of the Bestow Grace of the Champion spell – fixed;
  • Mongrel's Blessing now has a correct saving throw difficulty;
  • Mythic Legend incorrectly calculated the caster's level of a Sorcerer multiclassed with a Mystic Theurge – fixed;
  • Nahyndrian Shadow-Caller and Nahyndrian Shadowcaster passed their exams and officially became undead;
  • Natural attack bonuses of the same type now stack correctly;
  • Natural growth of animal companions did not stack with animal growth cast on them – fixed;
  • Negative Energy Mastery ability worked incorrectly – fixed;
  • Nereid's Beguiling aura affects animal companions no longer. Keep yourself together, leopard!
  • Not all possible arcanist exploits could be seen in the archetype progression window – fixed;
  • Not all possible hexes were displayed in the archetype progression window for the Shaman – fixed;
  • Not all possible hexes were displayed in the class progression window for the Witch – fixed;
  • Now it's possible to select the 'Metamagic (Completely Normal Spell)' feat via the Extra Feat mythic ability;
  • Now mammoth and boar animal companions have a Trip (Gore Attack) ability instead of a Trip (Bite attack) ability;
  • On casting Player, spell resistance check was rolled twice – fixed;
  • Oolioddroo now have the Extraplanar subtype, which allows the Banishment spell to interact with them correctly;
  • Oracle ability Friend to Animals granted an incorrect bonus to animals in 30 feet area – fixed;
  • Oracle's Final Revelation didn't provide the immunities to some conditions – fixed;
  • Osirian Historian background now correctly grants a +1 bonus to Knowledge (world) skill if you already have this class skill;
  • Otherworldly Companion's templates granted incorrect number of uses to Smite Good/Evil – fixed;
  • Perfect Form spell applied bonuses to abilities incorrectly – fixed;
  • Powers granted by domains incorrectly belonged to arcane schools of magic – fixed;
  • Prayer spell got its decription back;
  • Priest of Balance's abilities did not apply to Channel Negative Energy from the Danse Macabre – fixed;
  • Primalist gained bloodline and rage powers from the Second Bloodrager Bloodline mythic power incorrectly – fixed;
  • Pure Form spell now removes all negative effects;
  • Quicken Spell description contained misinformation about not being quicken the spells with a cast time of 1 full round – fixed;
  • Rectify State ability didn't remove Song of Discord – fixed;
  • Remove Sickness grants a bonus to sawing throws against a Nauseated condition correctly now;
  • Resonating Word couldn't be Bolstered, Empowered, Extended, or Maximized by metamagic – fixed.

The second part of the patch notes.