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From this Owlcat post.

Will there be another WH40K CRPG? Dark Heresy, Black Crusade, Only War?

If we would be making another CRPG in 40k universe, these all definitely sound like they'd have a great potential. We have a number of reveals planned for this year, where we will tell you guys what to expect next. Stay tuned!

Every other “Will the next game be X?” question was met with a direct “No.” This definitely points to the next game being a Warhammer game.

Beyond that:

Can we get a hint of what kind of massive side activities (Kingdom/Crusade/Ship management) will be in the next Owlcat title?  

Do you enjoy searching for answers?

Seems to heavily point to a detective-ish story focus. 40k’s “detective” faction is obviously the Inquisition, which itself has a TTRPG system to adapt.

What do you guys think?

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about 1 month ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by 0xd34d10cc

I just hope whatever they make has better combat balance than Rogue Trader.

I think Rogue Trader combat is fine, the balance is just straight up broken.

We're aware of the balance problems and will be addressing them in future. There will be a balance survey soon.

about 1 month ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Scarsworn

Unfortunately I believe they have openly stated they have no interest in working with Paizo’s new system.

We never said that