over 2 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Jeysie

I don't know why people never clue in that the way to actually get an issue fixed is to go give a polite, maturely worded complaint to the person who actually has the power to fix it. And if that doesn't work, to move on with your life accepting that video games aren't important and there's far more serious things actually worth your time and effort to get worked up about.

And then we wonder why people in customer service are quitting in record numbers.

I wish I lived so pampered, privileged, and sheltered a life that a video game was worth getting outraged about versus just accepting not every product's going to be one you like. Save your outrage for something that causes actual real harm if it doesn't get resolved.

^ Very reasonable, listen to that.

Best way to get things fixed is to come with properly worded, well-structurized and detailed information about your problem. There's too much feedback around and too few of us to spend time on something clearly not constructive.