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Knowing the attitude towards Greybor around here i thought people would enjoy laughing at what happened to my run.

I was going to do a core last azlanti playthrough with some roleplay restrictions (i find this way more fun than actual difficulty increase), and i wanted Greybor in my party for this one. So once the dragon slaying quest was available I immediately go for it. Fast forward to the scene where you're sneaking up on the dragon at its lair in the tower, i cast the 50 buffs necessary for the fight and go in. LITERALLY FIRST ROUND greybor gets murdered by a crit, and I'm like "well whatever, i just got him with his sh*tty gear and non existent AC, he's not optimized yet, let the real team mop up this dragon and ressurect that idiot". But 3 seconds later i get the "defeat" screen since apparently Greybor cant die in this specific quest, and when he does, you lose. On Last Azlanti this means you lose your save, no warning, even if your MC is totally fine and safe.

So yeah, no idea if other companions have quests like this, but unless they patched this recently be careful about greybor on last azlanti, until he formally joins your party. The tragedy is I could have just kept him 10 miles away and beat up the dragon regardless, I just thought as long as MC is 100% safe then everything's fine. I was wrong :(

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over 2 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Yup, it's a thing for all companion quests.

It's more of a technical limitation than intended behaviour, but it requires too much effort to deal with to be fixed. Basically, you need the whole zone and future encounters to have a completely new set of reactions on the character's death. In terms of work it's like designing a whole new set of companion quests for each of the companions, that's hundreds of hours of work for dozens of people. Considering how rare this situation would be (amount of people who play on last Azlanti or wouldn't reload right away in case of a companion death is very minor), that would be a huge waste of resources that are better spent elsewhere.

It's annoying for the Last Azlanti, I know, but I hope you understand why we went for the game over button.