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Wed, September 22 Update 1.0.5g Crusaders!

A new patch is here. The list of changes is quite long, so here’s what you’ve been asking about the most:

Now you can complete the quest about 21 daggers;

You won’t skip Gray Garrison anymore right after entering by teleporting to the top floor;

Now Gold Dragons can rest in Drezen;

Your crusade stats won’t get stuck anymore;

The Repurpose spell will stop destroying loot and breaking NPCs;

Cloaks will stop living la vida loca, and will start to behave;

Saves from Last Azlanti mode should stop disappearing under mysterious circumstances.

Beware of possible plot spoilers below!

Quests and companions

An Azata couldn't start a conversation with Maitresse Olla Devara with an active objective Visit the Court and talk to the Maitresse - fixed;

Azata's quest in chapter 4 could stop if Aivu died during the fight with Ramisa's guards - fixed. However you will need to load an earlier save, before the conversation with Ramisa, to continue Azata's quest line;

Borrowed dreams quest couldn't be completed if Ciar got mad at the player - fixed;

Dawn of Dragons quest wouldn't start - fixed;

It was impossible to discover the Greengates location if you attacked Arueshalae during the siege of Drezen - fixed;

It was impossible to enter the portal during the Devastation quest, if it was opened with Nocticula's help - fixed. It was possible to enter the portal without a key - fixed;

It was impossible to start a conversation with beggars again during The Art of Making Friends quest - fixed;

It was possible to find too many pages for the Storyteller, and uncover his story too early - fixed;

It was possible to get a quest A Conversation with Sosiel after finishing his quest - fixed;

Minor Improvements of Camellia's romance and epilogue;

Regill wasn't moving during his quest in chapter 5, if he had Hold Position toggled on - fixed;

The Dragon's Fate didn't fail when finishing chapter 3 - fixed;

Twenty-One Ceremonial Daggers could fail before you could actually complete it - fixed;

Yaker would come to Drezen and attempt to give you a quest even if you killed Regill - fixed.


Casting Dimension Door in Alushinyrra sometimes could break the game - fixed;

Fixed some cases of party teleporting "into the void" in Alushinyrra;

A band led by Merciless Tyrant in Alushinyrra Upper City could disappear right from under your nose due to an unlucky turn of the camera - fixed;

A chest in Alushinyrra was not lootable after solving the puzzle - fixed;

Added an autosave after the battle with Hepzamirah in chapter 4;

After completing The Enigma, the Enigma Rejection status could stay permanently - fixed;

Fixed the markers on the local map during the random encounter with Berenguer;

Fixed the visual of force fields in Blackwater;

In Gray Garrison the party could get teleported to the top floor - fixed;

It was impossible to rest in Drezen because of a Gold Dragon event - fixed; Iz: If you didn't interact with the Sword of Valor, the fate of some NPC was determined incorrectly - fixed;

Jerribeth in Ivory Sanctum was too friendly to the Commander in some cases. Now she's back to being an evil person she actually is;

Moving islands in Alushinyrra Upper City could get stuck in the wrong position - fixed;

Removed electricity immunity from monsters in Blackwater dungeon. Reworked Cyborgization Feature a bit;

Sometimes characters could get stuck between the rotating puzzle's platforms in Alushinyrra's Middle City - fixed;

Sometimes devils would appear in Aeon's city when they shouldn't have - fixed;

Sometimes Greybor would forget to attack you if you refused to hire him in Ivory Sanctum - fixed;

Sometimes the combat mode would get stuck in Drezen in chapter 5, and some NPC were missing - fixed.


Couldn't start the project "Enchanting the Faultless Daybreak" - fixed;

Inquisitor's Divine Favor didn't work correctly - fixed;

Divine Favor was missing a description - fixed;

Fixed an issue when some NPC, related to the crusade, remained in the Citadel;

Fixed the cancellation of relic decrees;

Fixed the issue with crusade stats not growing and units not spawning in the 2nd chapter. The affected players will receive the missing points;

Fixed the issue with the Logistics after defending a besieged settlement;

Gold Dragon Mythic Path started the 5th chapter without a proper army - fixed;

Lay On Hands now works according to its description;

Leaders of enemy armies had incorrect names - fixed;

Military Rank was stuck on VI - fixed. New errand from Odan will start properly;

Some projects wouldn't update - fixed;

Some traps and abilities didn't work correctly - fixed;

Sorcerers from Pupils of Nethys event were not friendly when chosen as an army unit - fixed;

The "Areelu Vorlesh's Drafts" projects was available before its time - fixed;

The Pit Trap ability didn't work correctly - fixed.

Classes & Mechanics

Some choices in automatic Mythic level up weren't suitable for the automatic build - fixed;

A Bloodrager mercenary could go missing after their first level up, along with your money - fixed;

A Lich with Danse Macabre couldn't get a Selective Channelling feat - fixed;

Added descriptions of the groups of demons for the Favored Enemy ability;

After retraining, it was impossible to level up a horse - fixed;

Carnivorous Crystals and some other enemies didn't grant the immunity to their abilities on successful saving throws - fixed;

Sacred Weapon abilities for Warpriest had no description - fixed;

Some spells couldn't be dispelled - fixed;

Spelleater's ability Blood of Life didn't have a description - fixed;

Swarm-that-Walks Feast ability could start affecting only one enemy - fixed;

Targets of the Lich "Repurpose" spell couldn't have been looted after dying for the second time - fixed;

Using Repurpose on enemies that would later become neutral due to quest choices could break the game - fixed;

The Divine Hunter's Otherworldly Companion provided incorrect resistances to the said animal companion - fixed.


Bane of Flesh applied incorrect bonus values while using Doom Pulse - fixed;

Bloody Meat had no charges and couldn't be used - fixed;

The Headcracker weapon was affecting the enemies regarding of their saving throw - fixed;

Using a Midnight Bolt didn't always provide a desired effect - fixed.

User Interface

A spellbook button in level up and character creation UI wasn't working - fixed;

An icon for AoE kineticist spells has been added;

Duplicating enchantments have been removed from items' descriptions;

In descriptions of some classes and abilities, the names of some abilities were missing - fixed;

Technical tags were visible in some descriptions - fixed;

The deflection bonus from Smite Evil ability was hidden in the UI - fixed;

Clicking right mouse button on the class in level up menu will cause the percentage to display for BAB and saving throws instead of numbers - fixed;

While retraining a character, it was possible to open the inventory, after which mythic paths could stop working as intended - fixed.


Enemies would cast Dominate person on the undead - fixed;

Fixed the behaviour of Gluttonous Maw in battle;

Minor improvements of Deskari cultists' behaviour;

Necromancers and Cultists can now properly use the Channel Negative Energy ability.


Fixed the issue with Demon's epilogue;

The Last Azlanti mode sometimes didn't create a save upon quitting to the main menu - fixed;

Added an epilogue for Horgus;

Fixed the error in the epilogue regarding the Wardstones;

Fixed some epilogues related to the Aeon path;

Fixed an error in Greybor's epilogue;

Fixed a visual issue with cloaks, tails, wings etc.;

Get the Toad achievement didn't unlock - fixed;

A Flame achievement not unlocks correctly - fixed;

Fixed an error that led to a Unity VFX Graph crash on GPU Intel;

If you told Daeran to leave the party in chapter 1, he would stay until the Lost Chapel anyway - fixed. Now Daeran will listen to you. If you can't find him after Lost Chapel, you may have to load an earlier save, before you asked him to leave, if you want to continue your adventures together;

Fixed the issue when the Legend couldn't get the final reinforcements of the united forces of Golarion;

Fixed the issue with the incorrect colours of Aasimar's eyes and lips after character creation;

Greybor wouldn't appear in character sheet and was stuck outside of the map after The Price of Loyalty - fixed;

Repurpose spell could sometimes break the game in the most unexpected ways - fixed;

Sosiel could be seen paining in the wrong places, in the wrong time, and often without an easel - fixed;

The game could freeze when the Sword of Heaven was activated and the character attacked an enemy who had adjacent enemies - fixed.

External link →
about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by tyrion85

I have no idea to what you are even replying? Like, honestly, I don't understand a thing you're saying. In this thread a person asked if we can respec now, since there was a game breaking bug if you respec a couple of days ago. I said I'm also curious and also pointed out to you that a person like me would have no idea if it was or it wasn't fixed. What "bug that they have no evidence exists" are you even talking about, you sure you are in the right thread my man?

Again, is it safe to respec or not, thats literally all we're asking?

Heya! Known issues with respec have been addressed, but it is still a feature that has an above average level of instability due to the sheer complexity of the changes it makes when you use it. At least once it managed to break in such a critical way that we were unable to retroactively repair saves (ineluctable prison for Demon).

So, the answer is yes, you can, but keep a backup save before that, just in case.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by joeDUBstep

Fixed a visual issue with cloaks, tails, wings etc.;

Yesss no more spaghetti visuals, hopefully this was also the cause for the performance dips... gonna fire it up during my lunch break to see :)

EDIT: Well good thing is the cloaks don't stretch anymore, but performance is still ass.

A couple of performance fixes were prepared for this build, but were rolled back in the last moment due to some potential instabilities discovered in pre-launch testing. I'd expect them to be deployed in the next patch or shortly after. In either case, we're aware of the FPS issues and are working on them.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by veevoir

Do you report bugs with alt+b? Every time I report something it seems to be fixed next patch :D


about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Shiiyouagain

Your crusade stats won’t get stuck anymore;

The lost experience is still applied retroactively! Oh thank God ;_;

Yup! When such bugs are fixed, with VERY few exceptions there's always some sort of a retroactive fix that puts your save to an intended state.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by BeastNeverSeen

I get that a lot of the stuff they're tackling right now is outright game breaking, but man I wish they'd get around to fixing metamagic not working on touch spells my magus is suffering.

Touch spells are being worked on at the moment. There's something really complicated about them, hard to pinpoint/reproduce consistently. It'll be there, just needs time.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Saint_Akagi

Is the demon mythic for inulectable prison still being worked on for those of us who respec'ed? The idea of throwing away 80+ hours really makes me lose my enthusiasm to play. Shit I'd even take a button that just auto completes it at this point

Unfortunately ineluctable prison is not fixable retroactively. The bug itself has been fixed since, but it was impossible to repair the older saves. I don't know the exact details, but something broke in a really wild way there :( It's extremely frustrating, I know, but sadly not much we can do with it =\

Some people here on the subreddit claimed to successfully to circumvent this location/quest through the usage of mods, perhaps they can help you.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by CatBotSays

I’d guess they’ll nerf it eventually, but it’s probably not super high on the priority list right now.

Crusade indeed needs balance tweaks, but as correctly stated above, they're lower on priority than critical bugfixes.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by LamiaTamer

Still no fixes for the horrible framerate at times even if you turn shadows and ssr off. Guess i keep waiting.

We're aware of the problem and working on it.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by unexpectedreboots

Wait what? I could've sworn this was working with Saleeh?

Patch notes refer to the Crusade mode version of it.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by blightbuddy

Oh look, GOG doesn't have the patch on offline installers once again, what a shock.

Should have hit all the stores roughly at the same time. Do you still have the problem?

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by ProcrastinatingLT

I’m wondering why we can’t make our characters left-handed like we could in Kingmaker

Unfortunately this feature was causing a lot of problems with new mechanics in Wrath and eventually got cut.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Feralmoon87

Did something screw up with the difficulty after the patch? I was playing on Normal, in Act 3, struggling to hit enemies, booted up the game today and I'm one shotting enemies now, granted they're the random encounters on the map but Nenio oneshot a mob with a cantrip

Respec mod seems to be the cause of this issue.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by every_evening_i_bed

Training grounds fix? It's supposed ADD 10% not SUBTRACT

Seems to be a floating issue that is hard to reproduce. Please leave a bug report via ALT+B, the more of them are there, the more chance we can pinpoint it.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by tubbymctubs2

Would you guys ever consider putting a tiny section at the bottom of the patch notes for common mod caused errors (as they are found)?

I know they are not officially supported (yet) but it would be really helpful. 🥺

Sadly we can't predict any errors caused by mods after a patch, as they can break in most random and wild ways. We usually do answer/announce on social media when there's a very common issue with mods and we know what it is, though.

about 3 years ago - /u/OwlcatStarrok - Direct link

Originally posted by Harbester

Hello :-),

I'm experiencing issue with Lich army replenishment - Has this been addressed in a patch already or shall I wait?

Playing on PC, 1.0.4d patch (waiting for 1.0.5 on GOG). I transitioned from Chapter II to Chapter III on 1.0.2g patch. There have been no respecs at all. I picked Lich straight away, received 600 Zombies and Skeletons and: - If I kill a demon army with my that contains these zombies or skeletons (no matter the size, I even split them to 300-per-stack). I don't receive any new Zombies/Skeletons when I win a fight. - If I kill a demon army without Zombies/Skeletons, I receive new ones after a fight (got 14 Skeletons as a separate army when the fight happened).

This bug has been fixed in like 1.0.3, and you should have even received the undead retroactively. It's really odd you're still experiencing it. Are you sure you have the latest version, and did you check the integrity of game files?