almost 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

Totems are not you, and do not have your buffs or stats. They use your skills.

The Corrupting Fever buff will be on you, so the skill will only apply corrupted blood to enemies you hit, not to enemies totems hit while using your skills.

almost 4 years ago - Mark_GGG - Direct link

" ekaye wrote: Yes, why is "fiddle with the target's resistances" an "offensive stat", but "inflict damage over time" not? How is an aura granting damage to you different from Corrupting Fever granting "apply corrupting blood on hit" to you?
Corrupting Fever is not granting "apply corrupted blood on hit" to you.

The coorrupting fever skill puts a buff on you, and tracks what you do while you have the buff. The skill notices when you hit things, and that causes it to calculate a corrupted blood debuff, based on it's own skill stats, and apply that. The corrupted blood is not applied by your hit (which is with another skill), it's applied by corruping fever, because it needs to have the stats of that skill.

This is exactly the same as all the heralds, which likewise put a buff on you and then actively do things in repsonse to what you do.