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We're excited to announce that tickets to ExileCon 2023 are available now! The convention will be held on July 29-30 next year. For more information about the event and to purchase tickets, visit our full ExileCon 2023 page.
This first wave contains the majority of the tickets, but we are holding some in reserve for a later second wave. Don't worry if you miss out, we'll make sure to indicate in advance when the second batch will go on sale. If you run into any issues, please email [email protected].
Edit 1:VIP and Ultra VIP tickets have now sold out. Regular tickets are still available. There will be another wave of VIP tickets at a later date which we will announce in advance. In this second wave, regular tickets can be upgraded to higher tiers.
Edit 2:If you received an error that said the ticket you purchased was out of stock, then unfortunately the ticket was not granted and you will be refunded. If you saw an error regarding database issues, please check your Path of Exile account transactions to see if it went through.
Edit 3:All tickets are now sold out. Keep an eye on the news for updates regarding when the next ticket wave will be available.