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Continuing our roundup of the Divination Card Stories series, today's news post highlights the stories behind five more of the cards designed by supporters. Check them out!
If you've designed a Divination Card that has been released and would like to share the story about the meaning of your card, please feel free to send us a message here!
Rebirth and Renewal - kx10yf
"While I designed this card, I thought of Gandhi's enlightening words: "Each night, when I go to sleep, I die. And the next morning, when I wake up, I am reborn.""

Bijoux - Pepetuch
"Needless to say, I really...really needed some specific cluster jewels that would not drop for me. Thus, a cluster jewel card was born."

Doryani's Epiphany - Kezlyr
"It's not at all an exaggeration to say that my family is only as close as it is because of Path of Exile."

The Bitter Blossom - ReignFreeze
"Jumping into Path of Exile felt like coming home. There is a special place in my heart for the first time I defeated Merveil and entered the freshly created Act 2 for the first time, and who can forget the Piety-runs, trying to get the best bases we could back then."

The Fool - Jmatt
"Let me start off by saying that it’s nice to see that a lot of Divination Cards created by the community represent something that is very meaningful and emotional to the creators of those cards. This, however, is definitely not one of those."