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The Archnemesis League ends on PC on Tuesday May 10th at 3pm (PDT), so this is your last week to complete any unfinished challenges. At this time, private leagues for Sentinel will become available so that you can prepare ahead of time for its launch. On consoles, the Archnemesis League will end when the Sentinel League goes live for consoles on May 18th PDT.
When the Archnemesis League ends, the current items available in Kirac's Vault Pass will be permanently locked away and replaced with new, exclusive cosmetic effects alongside the launch of Sentinel. If you've missed it, Kirac's Vault Pass is also now available on consoles. Their items will be replaced alongside Sentinel's console launch on May 18th (PDT). Check out the unique item skins in the video below or get your Pass here.
This is also your last chance to purchase the Archnemesis Brimmed Hat! If you want to show your support for the league, be sure to check it out.
Don't forget to tune into the livestream announcement for Path of Exile: Sentinel on May 05, 2022 4:00 PM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time) on our Twitch channel. During the announcement, we'll reveal a new set of supporter packs to replace the Scourge Supporter Packs. Be sure to grab your Liege and Dread packs here before they are gone forever.
A reminder that Twitch Drops will be enabled for the livestream to earn a set of Rapture Wings!
In case you missed it, make sure to check out our teaser video for the upcoming expansion below!
We'll see you at the announcement!