about 5 years
ago -
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Tomorrow (Friday NZT) we're planning to deploy the 3.9.2c update on PC with various improvements to the Conquerors of the Atlas and Metamorph content, as well as some bug fixes. We're keen to release this patch on consoles as soon as possible after its deployment on PC.
While you're waiting for the patch to be released, check out its patch notes below. Please note that the following list may be changed prior to the 3.9.2c release.
Metamorph & Conquerors Improvements
- Maps now display their Atlas Region by default. Holding Alt displays Map Completion, Bonus Objective Completion and Awakening Objective Completion status.
- Added frames to the Map Stash which indicate if a Map is influenced by a Conqueror.
- Added visual indicators at the centre of the Atlas which display which Conquerors have been defeated. These visual indicators are removed upon opening portals to the Eye of the Storm.
- Clicking anywhere on a Citadel with a non-Unique Watchstone on your cursor now sockets that Watchstone into the appropriate socket if one is available.
- Adjusted the positions of various Citadels so that they aren't hidden by UI elements.
- Opening a Map that is affected by multiple of the same or similar Sextant modifiers no longer consumes a use of the duplicate Sextant modifier.
- The Mark of the Shaper and Mark of the Elder unique rings now grant both bonuses if your other ring is Shaper and Elder influenced.
- Sirus, Awakener of Worlds now drops Influenced Items when killed.
- Immunity to Shock now correctly prevents you from being Shocked while standing in the Desolation of the Awakener ground effect.
- Added a visual indicator to Maps in the Map Stash which indicates if the Awakening Objective has been completed.
- Added a visual indicator to Watchstones and Watchstones socketed in Citadels which indicates whether or not they have a Sextant applied to them.
- Added some additional modifiers to the pool of modifiers that Awakened Sextants can apply.
- Portals to Maps which contain a Conqueror encounter now use Zana's portal effect.
- Fixed a bug where Maps that had already spawned Influence for a specific Conqueror had a lower chance to spawn Influence than intended.
- Fixed a bug where Conqueror's Exalted Orbs didn't respect the "Cannot roll Caster Modifiers" and "Cannot roll Attack Modifiers" modifiers.
- Fixed a bug where portals to the Conqueror encounters could spawn in inaccessible locations.
- Fixed a bug where applying a Sextant to a Watchstone socketed in a Citadel could generate the same or a similar modifier which was already on another Watchstone in that same Citadel.
- Fixed a bug where various modifiers found on the Precursor's Emblem unique ring were not affected by Quality applied by Catalysts.
- Fixed a bug where various Chaos Resistance modifiers were not being increased by Quality applied by Prismatic Catalysts.
- Fixed various performance issues that could occur when encountering Conquerors and their monsters in Maps.
- Fixed a visual bug where only the creator of an area would see the organ collection graphic when killing Metamorph targets.
General Improvements
- Unique Maps can once again be searched by name on the Atlas.
- Divination Cards which grant Shaper-related items now have their Shaper background once again.
- Maps that are Influenced by The Shaper or The Elder now have a fancy background or border.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Ignites applied by Explosive Arrow sometimes dealt no damage.
- Fixed a bug where Volatile Dead orbs didn't detonate when reaching the maximum amount allowed (60).
- Fixed a bug where a Terrain Generation Failure could occur when entering the Plaza Map.
- Fixed a bug which prevented using the Time Portal to leave an Incursion.
- Fixed a bug introduced in 3.9.0 that made the Miracle Map Device much bigger than intended.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when getting near party members who were using the Chains of Command unique body armour.