about 3 years
ago -
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The winners of the Siege of the Atlas Boss Kill Event have now been finalised! Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who participated. All winners will be granted the Godslayer's Pride microtransaction and we're currently working with them to design their prizes. We hope you're looking forward to their inclusions to the game! As all spots have not yet been filled for both Xbox and PlayStation, we'll continue to run the event on console until those spots have been claimed. Check out the preview of the Godslayer's Pride as well as the list of winners below.

The following 10 players were the first to defeat The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds in the Hardcore Solo Self-found Archnemesis League on PC:
- #1 Darkee
- #2 Steelmage
- #3 Dsfarblarwaggle
- #4 Karvarousku
- #5 Fiskrens
- #6 Dslily
- #7 xtrmspd
- #8 z4kur
- #9 woormyman1
- #10 Kunagi_JP
Please note that due to a bug on PC, DeadandDoom's 4th place placement didn't show up on the leaderboard so we've decided to award prizes to the first 11 players.
Bonus Prizes:
- First Uber Elder Kill: Darkee
- First Shaper Kill: Darkee
- First Sirus Kill: Darkee
The following players were the first to defeat The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds in the Hardcore Solo Self-found Archnemesis League on Xbox:
- #1 ReignerRuler
- #2 ImToxic8998
- #3-5 Unclaimed
Bonus Prizes:
- First Uber Elder Kill: ImToxic8998
- First Shaper Kill: ImToxic8998
- First Sirus Kill: ImToxic8998
The following players were the first to defeat The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds in the Hardcore Solo Self-found Archnemesis League on PlayStation:
- #1 camuflado_cz
- #2 NeuroIsCool
- #3 shawn_33179
- #4-5 Unclaimed
Bonus Prizes:
- First Uber Elder Kill: Unclaimed
- First Shaper Kill: NeuroIsCool
- First Sirus Kill: camuflado_cz
Twitch Highlights
Thanks again to everyone who participated! We hope everyone enjoyed all the new bosses from our Siege of the Atlas Expansion!