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To find out more about their card, we asked Astakor about their card A Fate Worse Than Death. Check it out in today's post!

Hi Community Team!
I joined Path of Exile 10 years ago just before open beta was released, after some of my friends told me several times that the game was excellent and a perfect alternative to Diablo 3 which we were playing at the time. I’ve always been a fan of RPG’s and also MMORPG’s, having played a lot of Guild Wars and World of Warcraft. Our guild wanted something that could let us play together like the old times. That is where Path of Exile comes into play.
I do remember the good old days when act 3 was just released, trying to defeat Piety for the first time, farming docks and having a character where level 75 was a high level. Those moments have a special place in my memories and that was only the beginning! Then leagues were introduced and between four of us got one account to reach the 8 achievements in Anarchy/Onslaught!
Even though some of us have had some breaks, we've always been interested in the game. Following it, watching events, streams, speaking about it, teaching, playing with friends and even creating some builds for it! Path of Exile has gotten a long way, and it has kept our hype every four months with every new league. We always wanted to be part of the game and leave our footprint in one of the games we have played the most.
Finally, in 2019, ExileCon was announced and we didn’t even doubt a second. We wanted to all go together and see the beautiful New Zealand. We did not waste any time and made a trip from Spain to Australia and New Zealand finishing at ExileCon. We were really excited. I remember entering the convention and trying to see if we could spot any news before the reveals happened. All those days with the PoE 2 reveal, me trying to get my art book signed by all the developers of PoE, buying a lot of merchandise, playing the card game... We couldn’t be more happy to share that moment all together after a lot of years playing it.
Then in January last year, I messaged GGG about the possibility of creating a divination card, when they said that it could be done, I just knew what I wanted to do. I gathered the four of us, the same that we went to ExileCon, Pableras, Tuti3013 and Delsa, and we sat together to decide which card we all should make so we could have our small contribution to the game. That is when the brainstorm occurred. We did a first submission, but a similar card was released in 3.14 so we needed to resubmit our card. We wanted to see it in game, but we had to wait a bit longer for that.
We really liked the Synthesis league, and we have been farming Cortex and the memories since then, so we decided that contributing with a Cortex card would be awesome. For the rest, we came up with one of the first phrases that we ever heard from Venarius. It was amazing, it felt like everything was suited to be a card. Since we were four people designing the card, we thought of leaving that mark in the art and the amount of divination cards. Luckily, there are 4 Venarius memories, and we thought that it would be really cool if each color could represent us, so we asked GGG if the number of cards required for it could be four.
We couldn’t think of a better way of contributing to Path of Exile than designing a Divination card for the game. It is not only mine, but as I said it is also of my friends and all the people we have played PoE with these years. I really hope that we can keep playing Path of Exile as we have been doing the last 10 years!
Now with the Sentinel league, the card has been finally released! We expect that you guys can have much fun as we do playing the game, and also farming Cortex for good rewards! Good luck and have fun, exiles!