about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link

We're excited to announce that tickets to our Path of Exile convention, ExileCon, are available now! The convention will be held on the November 16th and 17th (NZT) this year. For more information about the event and to purchase tickets, visit our full ExileCon page.

We are initially selling one big batch of tickets, but will hold some in reserve for later release. Don't worry if you miss out, we'll make sure to indicate in advance when the second batch will go on sale. If you run into any issues, please email [email protected]

about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link

" Muren16 wrote: Jeebus 291nzd for a standard ticket, hope it's worth it also clarification required regarding dinner at wildfire, is cost of food included in ticket or not

Cost of food is included.

about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link

" frontline111 wrote: i would have liked to go, but i feel $300 NZ is excessive. i just bought a ticket to Metallica in October and that was only $180

The regular tickets are $200 NZD and span two days.

about 6 years ago - Samantha - Direct link

" sartera wrote: is there going to be more vip tickets in the second batch of tickets?


about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
We're excited to announce that tickets to our Path of Exile convention, ExileCon, are available now! The convention will be held on the November 16th and 17th (NZT) this year. For more information about the event and to purchase tickets, visit our full ExileCon page[www.pathofexile.com].

We are initially selling one big batch of tickets, but will hold some in reserve for later release. Don't worry if you miss out, we'll make sure to indicate in advance when the second batch will go on sale. If you run into any issues, please email [email protected]