After watching a gazillion youtube about POE, i've come to expect certain catchphrases/intros when i click on a link. Is there a repository of this somewhere? Anyway, was abit bored and jotted some below.
anime princess: hey guys..adjusts microphone sensitivity up to million
BalorMage: Well hellooo youtube. This is BalorMage...
Big Ducks: So remember boys if you're enjoying the content or this video does end up helping you out, make sure you give a like and consider subscribing to the youtube channel, hit the little notification bell to stay up to date with all the latest videos, and without further ado, let's get into it.
CaptainLance9: Welcome exiles... hand wave
CuteDog_: Hey guys! New video here...
eirikeiken: cue ms paint theme and funny music
Esoro: cue 2min gameplay intro Hello once again everyone, and welcome back...
Fyregrass: Hey everyone, Fyregrass here...
Grimro: Yooooo! What is up guys, Grim here...
GhazzyTV: Hey guys, GhazzyTV here with another Path of Exile video..
ItsYoji: What!^ is going on guys, its Yoji, welcome to another video....
Jorgen: cue intro and tribal drum beat Welcome back you filthy exiles..
Jousis: Salutations, Exile.
Kay Gaming: cue intro snaps fingers cue creepy music Hi everyone, its Kay. Welcome to my build guide..
KobeBlackMamba: cue intro - "i'm following your lead, i'm following this feeling" cue highlights reel Hey! What's up youtube..
Kripparrian: HeyguyshowsitgoinKripparianhere...
Lighty: On March 11 2019 Path of Exile announced a new stash tab to be added, the unique tab. This allows you to store and showcase one copy of every unique in-game. When I read that, I knew what I had to do. I've set off to obtain every unique in-game, in the solo self-found game mode, filling the unique stash tab completely. This sh*t will take a long ass time and won't be easy, but i'm always down for a grind. I'm Matt Lighty and this is ALL4ONE.
Lolochol: How's it everyone, this is Lolcohol, and in today's video....
MAGEFIST: Kirov Reporting. Hello comrades.
Mathilification: hey guys, its Mathil here once again
mbXtreme: Hey guys and welcome to a new video...
Navandis Gaming: Hey there, Navandis here (welcome to another/ with another) Path of Exile build guide...
nugiyen: I did it!
Palsteron: Hey guys Palsteron here..
Path of Matth: Hey guys, Matthew, and in today's video...
Pohx: Whyyyyyyyy hello and welcome everybody..
라면 RAMYEON POE: cue MS paint graphic and classical music
SirGog: Oh howdy y'all, grab yourself a beer, its time for some Path of Exile discussion
Slipperyjim8: Hey/Hi what's going on it's me Slipperyjim8...
Spicysushi PoE: Hey everyone, its Spicysushi
Subtractem: cue bubbles, cat and twillight zone music Hello friends...
Tarke Cat: Hey guys, Tarke Cat here...
Telvanni POE: Hello. Telvanni here.
The British Exile: Hey you beautiful people, how's it going, and welcome to a new video...
This is Badger: cue self video with poses CLAP Welcome, it's your friendly neighborhood Badger here...
therealjameshumphrey: Why hello there exile...
TheGAM3Report1: Hello...My name is Ethan and welcome to another epsiode of Path of Exile (high pitch) Insert Name of League
Tripolar Bear: Yo! Tripolar Bear.
Omisid: Hello everyone and welcome back to the channel, my name is Omisid...
Von Vikton: cue 10secs of neon lights and music What's up everybody, its Vikton here..
Zen_M: Hey/Yo, what's going on guys, and today...
Zizaran: Hi! Zizaran here........ More importantly, try to die, less than I do.
ZiggyD Gaming: G'day folks, ZiggyD here...
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