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This also works with Flesh and Stone.

I was playing around with Eternal Blessing to figure out how to use it.

In short, it gives your aura buffs "Disable your non-blessing skills that reserve mana" but because Pride does not affect you, this debuff never happens.

You get a free pride for 2 red sockets.

Play around with it. Eternal + Any normal aura will disable your other auras. Pride + Eternal just turns on Pride for no cost.

Edit - This still counts as your blessing. You only ever get one. You can't do both Pride and Flesh and Stone this way.

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about 3 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Majestic-Struggle-91

this sounds like a bug. would be awesome if it wasn't.

EDIT: just read the description

Your Non-Blessing Skills which Reserve Mana are Disabled while you have an Aura from a Supported Skill on you

it might not be a bug...

EDIT EDIT, mark's quote on interaction blessing + generosity:


suggests this might be a bug after all /:

This is definitely a bug, and will be fixed.

For future reference, this:

In short, it gives your aura buffs "Disable your non-blessing skills that reserve mana" but because Pride does not affect you, this debuff never happens.

is untrue - if it gave that effect to your auras, then it would be applied by the aura, and thus also apply to your party members (or enemies in the case of these auras), which is obviously wrong. The disabling effect is separate from the aura, but tied to it's lifetime. Sometihng is currently preventing that from being applied correctly on these two, presumably because they go through a slightly different process when adding the aura.

about 3 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by MayTheMemesGuideThee

I'm confused now.

You can only have one Aura on you from your Blessing Skills

This stat is from Divine Blessing, "on you" goes just after "Aura" means it cares whether you're an aura owner.

Your Non-Blessing Skills which Reserve Mana are Disabled while you have an Aura from a Supported Skill on you

This stat is from Eternal Blessing. And I read it as it should care whether an Aura actually affects you (you have an aura buff). At least this is how I understand it from your explanation here.

What did I get wrong?

In both cases those stats are talking about an aura being on you, which means that you are the centre of the aura.

The linked explaination is pointing out that in the different wording "50% more Effect of Auras from your Skills on you", that is not referring to an aura being on you, it is referring to the effect of that aura on you - "on you" is modifying "effect" not "aura". Just like "x% increased effect of Arcane Surge on you" modifies the effect that the buff has on you.

An aura can be on you (you are the source of the aura), and/or it can have an effect on you (the aura affects you). These are independant - auras on you may not have an affect on you, and an aura not on you may have an effect on you. Both the stats you directly quote in your post are talking about auras being on you - neither even mentions effect. The differently worded stat in the linked post is modifying the effect an aura has on you, provided that aura is from your skills - that aura does not need to be on you, it needs to have an effect on you, which that stat will then modify the magnitude of.