almost 3 years
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Recently we've been working on an update that includes further improvements to controller support and some bug fixes. The patch also introduces the Beta version of a new DirectX 12 renderer. While we're planning to deploy it sometime next week, we've gathered its patch notes in this news post to give you an idea of what to expect.
Please note that these are still subject to change prior to the patch's deployment.
Engine and Technical Changes
- Added a Beta version of our new DirectX 12 renderer. To test it out, go to the graphics options and change the renderer option. Please report any problems you run into in the Bug Reports forum. Thanks!
- Our Vulkan renderer is no longer in Beta.
- Improved support for integrated graphics cards.
- Further improved texture streaming.
Controller Support Improvements and Fixes
- You can now manage your party and teleport to party members through the Escape Menu in Controller input mode.
- Improved the display of Character stats on the Character Panel in Controller input mode.
- Item hover descriptions for items stored in the Gem or Flask Stash Tabs are now displayed to the left of the stash window when selected in Controller input mode.
- Added Controller navigation to the "Create Party" and "Public Parties" sections of the Social Screen.
- Added a keybind for confirming your status message in the Social Screen.
- Added a "Party Invites" section to the Escape Menu in Controller input mode.
- Added keybinds for opening and editing the selected gateway on the login screen in Controller input mode.
- Added a keybind for the "Allow friends to visit your Hideout" to the Hideout decorations panel in Controller input mode.
- Fixed a bug where the Skills user interface did not display the cost of Skills if they cost Life.
- Fixed a bug where you could not unsocket gems from items whilst the Crafting Bench user interface was open in Controller input mode.
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to use the "Offer Item" keybind when trading with other players outside of Towns or Hideouts.
- Fixed a bug where Character Resistances were not displayed at the top of the Character panel in Controller input mode.
- Fixed a bug where there was no Cursor Microtransaction slot on the Cosmetics panel in Controller input mode.
General Improvements and Bug Fixes
- Scouting Reports are now able to stack up to 5000 in the Currency Stash Tab.
- Added stat descriptions for Sextant modifiers that were missing them and improved some other Sextant stat descriptions.
- Improved the performance of the Celestial Frost Bomb Effect microtransaction.
- Fixed a bug where Arakaali's mortar Skill would explode immediately after being fired.
- Fixed a bug where killing an Elder Guardian in a Map would cause you to be unable to spawn a Metamorph Vial in that Map after leaving the Elder Guardian's Arena.
- Fixed a bug where Rogue Exiles were unable to naturally spawn in the Relic Chambers Map.
- Fixed a bug where the chance for Slain Monsters to drop an additional Scroll of Wisdom modifier on the Perandus Signet Unique Ring only affected Rare Monsters.
- Fixed a bug where the Ritual reroll rewards button could still display a Tribute cost when rewards are able to be rerolled at no cost.
- Fixed a bug where Flask modifiers that provide increased effect and reduced duration had their tier numbers inverted.
- Fixed a bug where damage conversion explicit modifiers could not be unveiled on Gloves if they already had a damage conversion implicit modifier.
- Fixed a bug that caused the Reckless Ambition Divination Card not to drop from The Eradicator when they appeared as an ally or in Maven's Invitation: The Twisted.
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to purchase Expedition Artifacts from Dannig if your inventory was full.
- Fixed a bug where Fractured and Synthesised items were not greyed out in your inventory when selling them to a vendor, or when filtered out in your stash.
- Fixed a bug where Influence was not transferred to The Goddess Scorned when completing the vendor recipe for this unique item.
- Fixed a few wonky interactions with the Verdant Weapon Skin microtransaction and some Weapon Effect microtransactions.
- Fixed a bug where the visuals of the Wrangler Frostblink Effect microtransaction did not scale with changes to area of effect.
- Fixed two instance crashes.
- Fixed a client crash.