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We're in the process of deploying the 3.19.0f update which introduces reductions to defensive Archnemesis modifiers, and also includes a few improvements to the Kalandra League. Check out the full patch notes below:
Archnemesis Modifier Changes
- Toxic: Now has +25% to Chaos Resistance against Damage over Time (previously 40%).
- Chaosweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Chaos Resistance, or Immune to Wither. Instead, it now has 60% reduced Wither Duration on Self.
- Flameweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Fire Resistance, and now has 50% reduced effect of Scorch (previously 80%).
- Frostweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Cold Resistance, and now has 50% reduced effect of Cold Ailments (previously 80%).
- Stormweaver: No longer has +10% to maximum Lightning Resistance, and now has 50% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments (previously 80%).
- Assassin: Now has 50% reduced Extra Damage from Critical Strikes (previously 70%).
- Deadeye: No longer has 60% less Damage taken if you have not been Hit Recently, or 200% increased Evasion Rating if you have been Hit Recently.
- Incendiary: No longer has +50% to Fire Resistance, or 60% less Duration of Ignites on Self. Instead, it now has +30% to Fire Resistance against Damage over Time.
- Sentinel: No longer has +10% to maximum Chance to Block Attack Damage, or +10% to maximum Chance to Block Spell Damage.
- Juggernaut: No longer has +2 to Maximum Endurance Charges.
- Steel-infused: Now has 30% additional Physical Damage Reduction (previously 50%).
- Overcharged: No longer has +1 to Maximum Frenzy, Power and Endurance Charges.
- Consecrator: No longer has take 30% reduced Elemental Damage while on Consecrated Ground.
- Flame Strider: Now has 50% reduced effect of Scorch (previously 80%).
- Frost Strider: Now has 50% reduced effect of Cold Ailments (previously 80%).
- Storm Strider: Now has 50% reduced effect of Lightning Ailments (previously 80%).
- Ice Prison: Now has 20% additional Physical Damage Reduction (previously 25%).
- Storm Herald: Now has +40% to Lightning Resistance (previously 60%).
- Splinterer: Now has 30% chance to Avoid Projectiles (previously 50%).
- Crystal-skinned: Now has +40% to all Elemental Resistances (previously 50%). The crystal explosions now deal damage of equal parts Fire, Cold and Lightning damage, instead of just Cold, though the damage of the skill is unchanged.
- Entangler: Now has +25% to Chaos Resistance (previously 30%).
- Vampiric: No longer has Enemies Cannot Leech Mana from you.
- Lunaris-touched, Solaris-touched, Arakaali-touched, Brine King-touched, Tukohama-touched, Abberath-touched and Shakari-touched no longer grant large individual bonuses to a specific damage type. They instead all now grant +30% to all Elemental Resistances, +20% to Chaos Resistance and 10% additional Physical Damage Reduction. Innocence-touched and Kitava-touched grant +40% to all Elemental Resistances, +25% to Chaos Resistance and 15% additional Physical Damage Reduction.
Lake of Kalandra Changes
- The chance for Rewards from Metamorphs to be doubled in Metamorph Reflections has been increased at all difficulties.
- Metamorphs in Reflection of Metamorph now have 3 additional rewards.
- Halved the amount of increased life provided to Metamorphs in Reflection of Catalysis. Metamorphs from this Reflection now have 8 additional rewards, though Catalysts dropped by Metamorphs are no longer Duplicated.
- Metamorphs in Reflection of Experimentation now have 8 additional rewards, and Catalysts dropped by Metamorphs are now Duplicated.
- Legion Encounters found in Legion Reflections now have 100% increased Duration.
- Reduced the damage of Effigy of Virulent Undeath's Rain of Arrows Skill.
- Reduced the damage of Effigy of Wintry Undeath's Spectral Shield Throw Skill.
Fixes and Improvements
- The A Trip Down Memory Lane Challenge no longer requires you to complete Atlas Memories that do not exist, and the number of completed Atlas Memories required has been reduced to four. Using the /recheck_achievements command will complete this challenge if you have already completed four or five Atlas Memories.
- Fixed a bug where you were unable to move when entering the Karui Shores for the first time with one of the Arachnomorph Pet microtransactions equipped.
- Fixed a client crash with the Arachnomorph Pet microtransactions.
- Fixed an instance crash in The Tower of Ordeals.
Please let us know about your experiences following this patch. Thanks for your continuous feedback, we appreciate it and will continue monitoring it.