about 1 year ago - Timothy_GGG - Direct link

Hi there _Kosmas_,

Two uses of the rename service are granted each week, stacking up to a maximum of twenty uses. I hope that clears things up for you!

about 1 year ago - Timothy_GGG - Direct link

Hi there _Kosmas_,

Two uses of the rename service are granted each week, stacking up to a maximum of twenty uses. I hope that clears things up for you!

about 1 year ago - Guy_GGG - Direct link

There is a bug right now with this where renames don't seem to stack up until you're almost out. The end result is that if you're on zero renames remaining, the following week you will have 2, but it's definitely not working how it was described or how we intended, so we'll get it fixed.

about 1 year ago - Guy_GGG - Direct link

There is a bug right now with this where renames don't seem to stack up until you're almost out. The end result is that if you're on zero renames remaining, the following week you will have 2, but it's definitely not working how it was described or how we intended, so we'll get it fixed.

about 1 year ago - Guy_GGG - Direct link

This bug should be fixed now!

about 1 year ago - Guy_GGG - Direct link

This bug should be fixed now!

about 1 month ago - Tai_GGG - Direct link

Check your PMs :)