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Our next Divination Card Story is from Pepetuch, who worked with us to design their card Bijoux. Find out more about their card in today's post!

Delirium was my first full league that I played from launch day to finish. I had played Path of Exile semi-casually starting at the end of Metamorph, but became completely enamored with the gameplay loop of this game. I started playing ARPG's with the launch of Diablo 3 (back when there was real money auction house, no adventure mode only campaign, and when you would see mayyyyyyybe 1 Legendary item the whole campaign - My wizard that dropped a Barbarian belt after killing Diablo was not happy).
Aside from how cool Delirium was aesthetically (yeah I unironically liked the gray on gray palette *chef's kiss*) the introduction of cluster jewels was what really stood out to me about that league. It was the first time I really appreciated the scope of what GGG is trying to do with the genre in regards to trying new things beyond adding more monsters and changing tilesets. Delirium is still a special memory for me as I was able to play the objectively strongest build ever with Herald stacking which was much better than Aura stackers current iteration.
With all that in mind, I knew I wanted my card to be related to my favorite League in some way. I had a couple ideas related to Simulacrums or Kosis/Omniphobia but nothing that I would have enjoyed getting if the card dropped in game. Around this time I also had done my first SSF run of the game and found a deeper appreciation for Divination cards and how important they are to SSF. Needless to say, I really...really needed some specific cluster jewels that would not drop for me. Thus, a cluster jewel card was born.
The design team and I only really went through 2 iterations, the one being the current card in game, and the other being a reward of a cluster jewel at the lowest passive point count with respect to size (2 small/ 4 medium / 8 large) at iLvL 84. Due to technical restrictions of how divination card turn in works we couldn't do that unfortunately. However, the current iteration in game turned out to be much better as there are some pretty sought after max passive cluster jewels usable in both trade league and SSF.
As far as the name I couldn't think of anything creative or not bland so I turned to the power of French. I do not know French and have never been to France, but Bijoux (which means Jewelry) sounded pretty cool. Tangmazu providing the flavor text meant a lot to me too because he is cool as hell, and fit into the theme of finding the divination card you desperately needed to help finish a build.