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The world of Wraeclast and its events are riddled with bits and pieces of lore. In today's news post, we've collected some development stories where we elaborate on Path of Exile's lore. Check them out below!
- Delirium: Creating The Strange Voice
- Integrating League Stories into Existing Lore
- Creating Synthesis Lore
- The Conquerors of the Atlas
- Timelines and Retcons
- Heist Lore Interesting Facts
- Lore Q&A Part 1
- Lore Q&A Part 2
- A Brief History of the Atlas Lore
- Echoes of the Atlas Lore: The Envoy
- Creating the Maven
- Creating Scourge Lore
- Lore Stories: Siege of the Atlas
- Path of Exile 2 Narrative Design Philosophies
- Ultimatum League: Creating the Trialmaster
- Expedition League: Creating the Kalguurans