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Next week we will put more tickets on sale at 2pm on September 22nd (PDT) (9am on Friday in New Zealand). This batch will include 70 VIP tickets, 200 regular tickets and 250 balcony tickets.
Balcony tickets are identical to regular tickets but have you seated on the third floor of the auditorium (the Balcony) for the keynotes and potentially other talks. They are a bit less expensive ($210 USD).
If you have an existing ticket that you'd like to upgrade to one of the restocked higher-tier ones, there will be an Upgrade button available next to that ticket type. You'll only pay the difference between your current one and the new tier.
Please also note that the name on your ticket needs to match your photo ID, so when purchasing a second ticket for your friend or a family member, make sure that the name on that ticket matches their photo ID.
This is the final large wave of tickets, so if you are planning to attend ExileCon in person, don't miss out on them! We can't reserve tickets for you, so the only way to get one of the new batch is to be online at exactly the time they go on sale. Good luck!