almost 3 years
ago -
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The Sentinel Boss Kill Event on PC concluded earlier this week. Seven players have managed to kill seven Uber Pinnacle Bosses in Sentinel HC SSF mode! Congratulations to all winners and thank you to everyone who participated. All winners will be granted the Godslayer's Pride microtransaction and we're currently working with them to design their unique item prizes.
The following 7 players were the first to defeat seven Uber Bosses (the Uber Eater of Worlds, the Uber Searing Exarch, the Uber Maven, Uber Sirus, Uber Venarius, Uber Uber Elder, Uber Shaper) in the Hardcore Solo Self-found Sentinel League on PC:
- #1 Darkee
- #2 nickexile11
- #3 Zizaran
- #4 GucciPradas
- #5 Jezie
- #6 Steelmage
- #7 z4kur
The Sentinel Boss Kill Event on consoles is still running.