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On October 14th at noon PDT, we'll reveal the full details of our upcoming Scourge expansion via an exclusive livestream. This post contains everything you need to know before the livestream starts.
Before we get started, make sure you check out the teaser video below!
What time does it start?
The livestream will start at noon PDT on October 14th which is Oct 14, 2021 3:00 PM (EDT) in your local time. To view this post in your local time, you'll need to be logged into your account with the correct settings. If in doubt, check out the countdown on the front page of our website.What can I expect?
We'll start the livestream by revealing the trailer for Path of Exile: Scourge followed by a deep dive into all of the new content and features that are being introduced in the expansion.Following the reveals, ZiggyD will join Chris Wilson live for a Q&A with questions from Twitch chat. The entire livestream, including the Q&A, will most likely be just over an hour long.
Where can I watch?
Tune in at www.twitch.tv/pathofexile to watch the livestream. We also welcome co-streaming of the announcement so you'll be able to watch the stream alongside your favourite streamers on their channels. Be sure to encourage them to get involved!Will Twitch Drops be enabled?
Yes, Twitch Drops for the Dragonfly Wings will be enabled from the start of the livestream until 6pm PDT for all channels streaming Path of Exile during that time.You will get your Dragonfly Wings after 45 minutes of accumulated watch time during this period. This means that the drop is guaranteed for everyone who has watched any Path of Exile stream for this amount of time. This promotion is available for all accounts.
As a precaution due to recent issues with Twitch, we would recommend relinking your account prior to the event to ensure you don't miss out. For more information on linking your Twitch and Path of Exile accounts, click here.