10 months
ago -
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The Trial of the Ancestors Supporter Packs will soon be leaving the store forever, so be sure to get yours before they're gone! Check them out here.
When the Affliction League ends next week, the current items available in Kirac's Vault Pass will be sealed away forever and replaced with new, exclusive cosmetic effects alongside the launch of the Necropolis expansion. Check out the Cursebringer Armour Set in the video below or get your Pass here.
We'll be announcing the new Necropolis Supporter Packs that will be replacing the Trial of the Ancestors Supporter Packs at GGG Live. Tune in to twitch.tv/pathofexile on March 21st at 1pm (PDT) to see!
In the meantime, be sure to grab your Shade and Disciple packs here before they are gone forever.
Thanks for your support!