about 2 years
ago -
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This weekend, we're having a huge sale on classic microtransactions in our store! All items that are part of the sale are discounted by 50%, so make sure you look through the store for some great deals! Check out the sale here!
Not sure what to get? Check out the set below, which includes the Desert Helmet, Victorious Wings, Carnage Body Armour, Warlock Gloves and Boots, Crypt Sword, Radiant Weapon Effect and Seraph Shield, which are all part of the sale!
Short on points? Be sure to check out the Kalandra Supporter Packs, which will leave the store once the Kalandra League ends!
Our Core Supporter Packs also offer a great deal of points and will also leave the store soon to be replaced with new Core Packs! We'll give you more notice when they leave the store, but in the meantime you can check them out here!
Thanks for your support and Happy Thanksgiving!