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On July 15th at 1pm (PDT), we will reveal the full details of our upcoming 3.15 expansion via an exclusive livestream. This post contains everything you need to know before the livestream starts.
In case you missed it, make sure you check out the teaser video below to figure out any last-minute league predictions!
What time does it start?
The livestream will start at 1pm (PDT) on July 15th which is Jul 15, 2021 4:00 PM (EDT) in your local time. To view this post in your local time, you'll need to be logged into your account with the correct settings. If in doubt, check out the countdown on the front page of our website.What can I expect?
We'll start the livestream by revealing the trailer for our 3.15 expansion followed by a deep dive into all of the new content and features that are being introduced to Path of Exile in the expansion. There are some other big reveals contained within the livestream that you are likely not expecting.Following the reveals, ZiggyD will join Chris Wilson live for a Q&A with questions from Twitch chat. The entire livestream, including the Q&A, will most likely be an hour and a half to two hours long.