over 2 years
ago -
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Earlier this week, we announced the winners of the Well Dressed Exile competition. There was an overwhelming amount of excellent submissions, so today we'd like to showcase several of the competition's runners-up!
Each runner-up will receive their choice of any footprint effect from the store as a prize.
Natural Runners-UpShow All Spoilers.newsPost li { margin: 0.5em 0;}var toggle = document.querySelector('#toggle-all');toggle.addEventListener('click', function(event) { if (event.target.classList.contains('active')) { event.target.classList.remove('active'); document.querySelectorAll('.newsPost .spoiler.spoilerVisible > .spoilerTitle > input.button1').forEach(function(x) { POE.Forum.SpoilerClick(x); }); event.target.innerHTML = 'Show All Spoilers'; } else { event.target.classList.add('active'); document.querySelectorAll('.newsPost .spoiler.spoilerHidden > .spoilerTitle > input.button1').forEach(function(x) { POE.Forum.SpoilerClick(x); }); event.target.innerHTML = 'Hide All Spoilers'; }});

Premium Runners-Up

Thanks again to everyone who shared their well-dressed exiles with us! We'll be contacting the runners-up within the next few days to arrange their prizes.