about 3 years
ago -
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This weekend we're running a sale on most Stash Tabs! You can view the full selection of discounted tabs here. The sale ends at Nov 01, 2021 11:00 PM (EDT) (this is displayed in your local time).
Note that this weekend's sale doesn't include the recently-introduced guild stash tabs. Microtransactions only go on sale once they've been in the store for over four weeks. However, it's still possible to purchase the discounted bundle which has more of a discount than individual stash tabs on sale. This bundle won't receive any further discounts but the individual guild tabs will be on sale in our next stash tab weekend in approximately three weeks.
Complete your nightmarish looks with the Scourgelord Back Attachment and add even more personalisation to your hideouts with the variety of new Hideout Decorations we've just added to the store! Check them out below or get yours here.
Hideout Decorations
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