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Over the years, we've hosted several Fan Art and Talent Competitions to let our community show off their artistic talents. In today's news post, we've rounded up the top three winners of each competition to highlight their work. Check them out below, from oldest to newest!
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2018 Talent Competition
SpoilerA Tribute to Shaper by BangBosch
Graphic Art of Unique Maps by Kardalak_IX

Piety's Miscreation Maker by QueenNie

2018 Fan Art Competition
SpoilerFan Art by wacalac - the Ultimate Winner

Fan Art by Boagnir

Aztec Pantheon by Drakartwow

Craft Competition
SpoilerBrutus Digital Clock by antonowitch
Shaper Figurine by Kardalak_IX

'Where, oh, Where are the Templar's Pants' Book by QueenNie
Einhar-Themed Competition
Spoiler'Einhar Shows How to Extract Currency and Unique Stuff' by Kardalak_IX

'We are Best Friends, Beast…' by _Amara_

'After the Hunt' by adrnarisen

2019 Fan Art Competition
SpoilerAul, The Crystal King by Qque

Fair Lady Merveil by TheMuzzak

Enough Roots for Today by JoeDuncan

2020 Talent Competition
SpoilerPath of Exile - The Fall of Oriath Cello by Deosain
'The Path of the Exiled' by Drakartwow

Path of Exile in Minecraft | 2 by xevoken
Harvest Fan Art Competition
Spoiler'The Land Demands a Sacrifice' by BellenaS

Fan Art by Verdeimparat8b

'Oshabi, Ersi, Janaar and Namharim' by Ravenx_

2021 Talent Competition
SpoilerTarot Cards by thiagolehmann

Master Spellblade Cosplay by curiocity
'Conquerors of the Atlas' - Piano Cover by envatilea
2021 Fan Art Competition
SpoilerAlva Crochet by Hellfirenerk

Glimpse of Chaos by Bisic

The Smiting of Kitava by Dudurii

Scourge Fan Art Competition
SpoilerThe Chase by Aotenshin

Scourge Trio by thiagolehmann

Duality by Nemeq


2022 Talent Competition
Spoiler2023 Talent Competition
SpoilerThe Forbidden Sanctum by kokoswe

The Forbidden Sanctum Board Game by Kretones

Divinia Cosplay by Farandine

Crucible Fan Art Competition
SpoilerCrucible Tarot Card by IKoBuChI

The Molten One by xfey

Karui Crafting by rashkoradu