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Later this week, we're planning to deploy 3.18.1d which includes a few improvements and bug fixes. In this news post we've prepared a preview of its patch notes.
The following patch notes are still subject to change prior to the patch's deployment. We'll deploy the 3.18.1d update on consoles as soon as possible after its release on PC.
3.18.1d Patch Notes
This patch contains a handful of improvements and bug fixes, alongside fixes for a couple of client crashes.
- Divine Vessels are now able to modify Maps while you have the Stream of Consciousness Atlas Keystone Passive allocated.
- The Soul Conduit monster modifier now raises a maximum of 30 nearby monsters to fight again on death.
- Fixed a bug where defeating Aul, the Crystal King was not granting credit towards The Forsaken Masters achievement.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur when re-entering the Absence of Symmetry and Harmony.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur at the end of a PvP match.