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By the end of this week, we're planning to deploy the 3.20.1 patch which introduces the new set of Core Supporter Packs, new Sanctum content and various improvements and bug fixes. While we're working on getting it onto your screens, check out the patch notes!
We're trying our best to release this patch on consoles as soon as possible after its release on PC. Please note that due to the nature of the certification process and upcoming holidays the Core Supporter Packs will not be released on PlayStation this year.
The following patch notes are still subject to change prior to the patch's deployment.
Sanctum Updates and Improvements
- Introduced 7 new Unique Relics that drop from the final form of the Sanctum Boss. These Relics challenge you to complete an entire run of The Forbidden Sanctum at area level 80+ under special rules. If you're able to complete such a run, you'll be rewarded in new and special ways. However, the Unique Relic will be destroyed regardless of the outcome of your run, so if you fail to complete it, you'll forfeit your potential rewards.
- Some of these Unique Relics cause the Herald of the Scourge to drop additional or specific items, while others causes Aureus Coins to be converted to certain outcomes upon defeating the Herald of the Scourge.
- We've also introduced a new Unique Ring that can be earned by defeating the Herald of the Scourge with one of the new Unique Relics active.
- Introduced 41 new "Lycia's Invocation" currency items. These can be applied to non-Corrupted Sanctified Relics to add their respective Keystone to the Relic.
- Boons and Afflictions that provide increases and reductions to the effect of your Relics now specify that they do not affect Unique Relics.
- Characters that are up close to their target now take even less damage to their Resolve.
- Sanctum Quests are no longer hidden with the "Enable Quest Tracking" option disabled. We've also made improvements to these Quests to reduce the chance they are missed when first entering the relevant town area.
- Party Members are now able to view the Map of the area owner's Sanctum, if they currently have a run active.
- Party members can now store a Sanctum room for later when the map owner runs their Sanctum room for the area.
- The Resolve bar now flashes when you heal or damage your Resolve.
- Added a display to show which Affliction was removed when you cleansed an Affliction.
- The Sanctified Relic Slot has been moved from the Sanctum Map and is now located in the Inventory panel.
- Sanctified Relics can now be compared with your equipped one by using the Compare Item Descriptions keybind (Ctrl, by default).
- The wave skill used by the final form of the Sanctum Boss now spawns far fewer lightning bolts with each wave, though the lightning bolts are slightly larger. The delay between each wave has also been slightly increased.
- You can no longer gain a new multi-stage Boon or Affliction, such as Lilting Melody, if you already have a later stage of that same Boon or Affliction.
- The Hungry Fangs Affliction and Wooden Effigy Boon now impact Resolve multiplicatively, instead of being additive with stats that impact resolve on Relics.
- Tweaked the position of the skulls that fire tracking beams in the third floor of the Sanctum.
- Updated the Prayer Beads Boon to clarify Resolve is able to be lost after the next room has been completed.
Other Improvements
- Added support for the new Core Supporter Packs.
- Added five more microtransactions to Kirac's Vault Pass in the form of these additional mystery boxes from Path of Exile's past: Warlord, Polaris, Twilight, Harmony and Sin/Innocence.
- Huck now brings along his Rogue Equipment when accompanying you in Maps.
- Significantly increased the experience gained from killing Metamorph Monsters.
- You can no longer animation-cancel Vaal Venom Gyre, Vaal Volcanic Fissure, Vaal Blade Flurry, Vaal Caustic Arrow and Vaal Molten Strike before the point in the animation that damage is dealt.
- The Balance of Terror Unique Jewel no longer has a level requirement.
- Completing the Mastermind's Lair now awards credit towards the Suspicious Syndicate challenge.
- Updated one component of the Complete Harbinger Encounters challenge to "Use any Harbinger, Ancient or Fracturing Orb", instead of just Fracturing Orb.
- Updated various descriptions of conditional modifiers, such as the increased Damage against Ignited Enemies modifier on Gang's Momentum, to clarify the kinds of damage they can apply to.
- Updated the "Cycling Resistances" monster modifier text to "Cycling Damage Reduction" as it is more accurate.
- The Cartographer Divination Card has received new flavour text.
Blight Atlas Passive Changes
- The Blight Atlas Passives that provided your Maps with Blight Encounters a chance to contain an additional Blight Encounter have irreconcilable issues that result in areas with two Blight Encounters failing to generate reliably, so we have replaced these stats.
- The small Atlas Passives now provide "5% chance on Completing your Maps to gain a free use of the Blight Map Crafting Option."
- The Mycelial Swarm Notable Atlas Passive now provides "Blight Map Crafting Option is always available" and "50% reduced cost of the Blight Map Crafting Option."
Blighted Map Changes
- The values for modifiers anointed on Blighted Maps have been buffed:
- Clear Oil: 12% reduced Monster Movement Speed (previously 6%).
- Sepia Oil: Towers deal 25% more Damage (previously 20%).
- Amber Oil: 25% reduced Cost of Building and Upgrading Towers (previously 20%).
- Verdant Oil: 45% increased Experience gain (previously 35%).
- Teal Oil: Blight Monsters spawn 30% faster (previously 25%), Encounter duration is 50 seconds shorter (previously 40).
- Azure Oil: Varieties of Items contained in 5 Blight Chests are Lucky (previously 4).
- Violet Oil: Lanes of Blight Encounters have 25% chance for an additional Reward Chest (previously 20%).
- Crimson Oil: Varieties of Items contained in 12 Blight Chests are Lucky (previously 10).
- Black Oil: 7% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward (previously 6%).
- Opalescent Oil: Varieties of Items contained in 18 Blight Chests are Lucky (previously 15).
- Silver Oil: +80% to Item Quantity (previously +65%).
- Golden Oil: 30% chance for Blight Chests to contain an additional Reward (previously 25%).
- Oils also now provide +6% to Monster Pack Size (previously +5%).
- Blighted Map's Item Quantity Modifiers now affect Blight Chest count at 25% value (previously 20%), with a value of 50% for Blight-ravaged Maps (previously 40%). This also now applies to Blighted and Blight-ravaged Maps in Ruthless.
Ruthless-specific Changes
- The Mycelial Swarm Notable Atlas Passive now provides "Lanes of Blight Encounters in your Maps have 20% chance for an additional Reward Chest" in Ruthless.
- The two small Atlas Passives prior now provide "Blight Encounters in your Maps spawn 3% more Non-Unique Monsters" in Ruthless, instead of "Lanes of Blight Encounters in your Maps have 5% chance for an additional Reward Chest."
- The following Oils have been changed in Ruthless:
- Clear Oil: 12% reduced Monster Movement Speed (previously 6%).
- Sepia Oil: Towers deal 25% more Damage (previously 20%).
- Amber Oil: 25% reduced Cost of Building and Upgrading Towers (previously 20%).
- Verdant Oil: 15% increased Experience Gain (previously 10%).
- Teal Oil: Blight Monsters spawn 30% faster (previously 25%), Encounter duration is 50 seconds shorter (previously 40).
Sanctum Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Boons or Afflictions that increase or reduce your maximum Resolve or Inspiration did not undo their effect when they were removed.
- Fixed a bug where healing to your Resolve received by gaining increases to your Maximum Resolve did not persist through area transitions.
- Fixed a bug where Guards were not Twinned after taking the "Doubling Pact" Accursed Pact.
- Fixed a bug where the Azure Assassin Sanctum Guard's Vortex skill could linger after they died.
- Fixed a bug where various abilities used by monsters in The Forbidden Sanctum ignored taunts. Special abilities used by Sanctum Guards are unaffected by this change.
- Fixed a bug where some beam skills, such as the one used by the final form of the Sanctum Boss, could pass through walls.
- Fixed a bug where dying to the final form of the Sanctum Boss would not bring up the Sanctum Run Failed interface.
Other Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where Labyrinth Trials were not spawning in Maps.
- Fixed a bug where Vaal Side Areas created by placing individual Vaal Fragments in the Map Device did not have any modifiers applied to them.
- Fixed an issue where the terrain generator for the client could desync, causing disconnections when trying to load into an area.
- Fixed a bug where entering another player's hideout would sometimes open the hideout in the wrong gateway.
- Fixed terrain errors that could sometimes stop players from entering areas until they retried again.
- Fixed a bug where upgradeable Incursion Unique Flasks and Jewels could not be sacrificed at the Altar of Sacrifice.
- Fixed a bug where sources that reduced the Duration of Elemental Ailments on you, such as the Anointed Flesh Passive Skill, were not applying to Ignites.
- Fixed a bug where elemental ailments that have an added effect to things while your ailment is on them, such as through the Combustion or Bonechill Supports, were discarded when a stronger Ignite/Chill was applied without these added effects.
- Fixed an issue that caused currency from your stash to not be used if, while your stash was open, you used all of a specific currency from your inventory while holding shift.
- Fixed a bug where Volcanic Fissure would not shatter spikes created by Earthshatter.
- Fixed a bug where the Steeped in the Profane Notable Passive Skill was missing an Anointment cost.
- Fixed a bug where The Balance of Terror Unique Jewel modifier that caused you to gain a percentage of Physical Damage as a Random Element if you've cast Elemental Weakness in the past 10 seconds was causing you to gain 100% of Physical Damage as a Random Element.
- Fixed a bug where The Balance of Terror Unique Jewel modifier that caused you to be immune to Reflected Damage if you've cast Punishment in the past 10 seconds was not functioning correctly.
- Fixed a bug where Volcanic Fissure Earthbreaker totems could incorrectly be supported by Focused Ballista.
- Fixed a bug where shattering spikes created by Earthshatter whilst in Blood Stance did not visually shatter the spikes.
- Fixed a visual bug where some deferred Ritual rewards could display vendor purchase prices.
- Fixed a bug where removing Curses, such as through Flasks with the Warding modifier, did not remove Curse Auras from Enemies. These are now briefly removed.
- Fixed a bug where the additional Elemental Damage Reduction gained from the Eternal Damnation Unique Amulet was not applying to the self-inflicted damage from Righteous Fire.
- Fixed a bug where shorter-duration Lifetap Buffs would replace longer-duration ones.
- Fixed a bug where the Scent of Blood Atlas Passive Skill was not functioning correctly.
- Fixed an issue introduced in 3.20.0b that caused the descriptions on the Growing Hordes Atlas Passive to display incorrect values.
- Fixed a bug where a crafting recipe unlock interactable could appear in the Crimson Township Map when no crafting recipe is currently unlocked there.
- Fixed a bug where you could fail to obtain credit towards the Complete Ritual Encounters challenge when completing the final Opulent Ritual in a Map.
- Fixed a bug where the /recheck_achievements chat command was not working for the Complete Cartography challenge.
- Fixed a bug where multiple waypoint icons could appear on the minimap in Hideouts.
- Fixed a bug where Blueprints were not dropping in Ruthless.
- Fixing Gwennen and Tujen sometimes having incorrect prices in Ruthless.
- Fixed a bug where some Forgekeeper Supporters lost access to their Delirious Hideout Decoration. These will be restored shortly after this patch is deployed.
- Fixed a bug where Ancestral Warchief Totems using the Void Ancestral Warchief microtransaction took more damage than intended.
- Fix a bug where you could be morphed into the wrong pet if you had two different types of morphing pets equipped.
- Fixed a client crash related to using the Shaper Scorching Ray Effect microtransaction.
- Fixed a client crash that could occur in Controller Input mode when editing your Hideout.
- Fixed an instance crash.