about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Mountebank

Do Brands count as your damage or is it like totems, traps, and mines? Will there be a Brand Support gem just like how there’s Trap Support, Minefield Support, and Spell Totem Support?

The Brand is a spell you're casting that directly deals damage to enemies. It's your damage, just like if you cast Orb of Storms or Fireball and they hit enemies. It just has a slightly more complicated way of working out which things you're damaging.

Of course, if a totem, trap, mine or minion casts the Brand, then they're the one dealing the damage.

There is not a currently support gem that makes supported skills interact with brands, and cannot be one that works the same way as the Totem, Trap and Mine supports, because Brands are fundamentally very different - they are themselves a spell cast by you that's damaging things repeatedly, where Totems, Traps and Mines are separate enties that themselves cast spells, and have those spells deal damage.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by theangryfurlong

So can brands be used with Ancestral Bond?

Technically yes, but they'll only be useful if you get a totem, trap or mine to cast the brand, rather than casting it yourself. They are a spell you cast that damages things, and Ancestral Bond prevents you doing that.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by lddiamond

Could you enlighten us on the active limits on the brands?

Not at this stage - numbers are still being finalised with regard to how much the base limit is and how much you can invest in raising it.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Ryant12

Unlike other skill gems, Brand Recall only has 6 levels, but each level greatly increases cooldown recovery speed.

Will levels 1-6 follow normal gem experience scaling or will levels 1-6 be re-scaled specifically for Brand Recall such that you hit level 6 roughly around the time a normal gem would hit level 20?

It takes a roughly equivalent amount of total experience to reach max level as a regular gem, split over fewer level ups.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by theangryfurlong

Ok, thanks. Just wasn't sure if they counted as "you" or not.

Yeah. They're pretty similar to Orb of Storms in this respect - a spell you cast that repeatedly damages things around it, and is still your damage.

As opposed to a totem, which is a separate entity with it's own life which actually casts spells itself to damage things.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by TubeZ

But why instead of 20 levels?

My understanding is this was necessary to achieve balance goals regarding the value of bonuses granting additional levels being useful at all levels.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by darthbane83

Of course, if a totem, trap, mine or minion casts the Brand, then they're the one dealing the damage.

if some other unit casts the brand can the brand still be recalled to me?

Also more out of curiosity i assume traps(and totems) wont let me bypass the brand limit either, but a minion (in theory) could?

if some other unit casts the brand can the brand still be recalled to me?

Also more out of curiosity i assume traps(and totems) wont let me bypass the brand limit either, but a minion (in theory) could?

Totems, Traps and Mines use your skills - the Brands they create will count towards the same limits as your own Brands you cast yourself, and you'll be able to recall all of them. They'll also show in your UI that helps you keep track of your brands. Minions use their own skills, so they'll have their own Brand limits separate from yours, and you won't be able to recall them (but the minion could, if it has that skill).

Effectively you're "in charge" of all Brands created from your skills, regardless of whether you used those skills yourself or not.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by fred523

do the brands count as projectiles, what would gmp do?

do the brands count as projectiles


about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Dantonn

A recalled brand that was initially cast by a totem would remain the totem's for purposes of reflect and on-kill effects and the like, correct?


about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by golgol12

Nothing of what you said precludes the ability to have a Brand support. Functionally brands are just like a totem that attaches to the monster that they cast at. So... it's not far fetched to have a brand support.

Just think about the synergy. It oozes with ways to creatively combine spells and brands. Imagine a curse brand. Imagine an scorching ray brand. Imagine volatile dead brand! It'd create a wave of VD across a screen as it kills and jumps to the next monster just in time for the VD to hit them!

Nothing of what you said precludes the ability to have a Brand support.

It does prevent having a support that works the same way as the totem/trap/mine ones, which is what I specified. Those work by casting spells. That means they're separate entities which are actors (able to take actions), with all the knock-on effects that entails (having life, having AI, being able to die, etc).

Functionally brands are just like a totem that attaches to the monster that they cast at.

No, they very much are not. Totems are an entity which casts spells. Brands are a spell - to the extent they exist in the game world, it's only as a visual effect. They're fundamentally something your character is doing. They're like a fireball, not a totem - a spell in progress, as cast by your character.

about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by ZeusKabob

Can we think of Armageddon Brand being similar to Firestorm in terms of dealing spell damage, having a duration, and having AoE hits occur several times during that duration?


about 6 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by Ajido

Can Brands be supported by Spell Echo? That support generally has a lot of restrictions but I don't know how it would work here. Would you both create two Brands with one cast, and would the activations from the Brands repeat?

Can Brands be supported by Spell Echo?


Would you both create two Brands with one cast


and would the activations from the Brands repeat?

No. Spell Echo makes casting the spell repeat. Repeating is a specific mechanic that means when you use a skill, you pay the cost only once, but play the animation (and thus cause the effects of the skill) twice. Casting a Brand spell is casting a spell, so can be repeated. A brand activating is nothing to do with casting anything - repeating can't apply to it.