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Over the weekend, we launched Path of Exile: Siege of the Atlas. We're pleased to report that deployment was extremely smooth with no major issues! We also hit a new record for peak concurrent players at 270,260! We are closely monitoring feedback and reports and will keep you updated this week as we start to formulate lists of coming improvements.
The Boss Kill Event is well underway, with many of the top prizes already taken. The following players have already managed to defeat The Maven, The Searing Exarch and The Eater of Worlds in the Hardcore Solo Self-found Archnemesis League:
- #1 Darkee
- #2 Steelmage
- #3 Dsfarblarwaggle
- #4 Karvarousku
- #5 Fiskrens
- #6 Dslily
- #7 xtrmspd
- #8-#10 are still up for grabs!
Congratulations to all of the winners so far with a special shout-out to Darkee who has taken home a number of bonus prizes from this event also. We'll announce the full results later this week once the event has concluded.
Over the weekend, we also released the new Gem Stash Tab and Flask Stash Tab as well as the Harmony Mystery Box. Get yours here or check out the trailer below.
In just a few days, we'll also be launching Siege of the Atlas on Xbox and PlayStation.
Thanks so much to everyone who joined us for launch!