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I spent a little bit of time messing around with this sword in standard after finding out about the bug from the patch notes earlier, and honestly it felt really enjoyable and fun. I feel like Varunastra counting as every weapon type could be an interesting mechanic that would make it very much useable for the first time in a long time. It was certainly an experience running through Blood Aqueducts on a deadeye using lightning arrow with two swords while getting rage from the axe mastery and chill from the mace mastery.

I dunno, it felt good to be able to use this weapon again for the first time in ages. I couldn't see it being massively overpowered, but I could be wrong. Obviously a bugfix is required because it's not intended behaviour but... what if it was?

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almost 3 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

It was broken. Not in the sense of being unbalanced, it caused crashes in serveral cases and incorrect behaviour in a lot more. None of the stuff for bows is set up to happen with the off hand, and this leads to crashes or stats that can't work correctly. Melee and ranged weapons skills have different requirements for animation data for different cases.

The amount of work that would be needed to legitimately allow Varunastra to function as a wand is prohibitive, and as a bow is much more so again.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by robby41525

So can you explain when you guys showcased in Exilecon on PoE2 how you showcased a class being able to use melee abilities with a bow? Does it not translate well the other way around?

Technically we didn't showcase it being able to do that, we showed an image of some theoretical possible future ascendancy stuff with no implementation. It had a text descrtiption and nothing else.

Regardless, that doesn't run into the same problem. In that case you're using melee skills with a main-hand weapon, while treating it as a melee weapon type, which is something they already handle.

Bow skills not handling off-hand stuff is entirely different.

That potential future mechanic has some hurdles of it's own, but they aren't nearly as big has making all the code related to and interfacing with bow abilities work with off-hand weapons & animations.

almost 3 years ago - /u/Mark_GGG - Direct link

Originally posted by KingDoggles

Honestly I just wish you could use the weapon specific support gems like Nightblade or Shockwave with this weapon.

Apparently they removed it because users complained that it was confusing which is insane to me.

You can use those supports with Varunastra. You justcan't use them with skills that have conflicting weapon requirements - Varunastra has nothing to do with that.