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Later this week we are planning to deploy Patch 3.15.3b which contains a variety of bug fixes and other improvements. To give you an idea of what to expect, we've prepared a preview of the patch notes for you!
Please note that the patch notes may be changed prior to their deployment.
3.15.3b Patch Notes
- Improved the visuals of Vorana, Last to Fall’s storm skill to make the outer ring more discernible.
- Improved the description of the Twice Tempted Atlas Passive to more accurately reflect its functionality.
- Fixed a bug where the Flask Enchantment to reuse a Flask at the end of its effect could reuse a Flask multiple times.
- Fixed a bug where additional Physical Damage reduction could cause Armour to provide Physical Damage reduction even if you had the Transcendence Keystone Passive allocated.
- Fixed a bug where Zana would not offer you another mission in a Map if portals to the previously selected mission failed to open.
- Fixed a bug where adding an Itemised Beast to your Bestiary would not unlock relevant Beast Recipes.
- Fixed a bug where Catarina, Master of Undeath could become stuck and fail to perform any actions.
- Fixed a bug where Syndicate Safehouse portals could open around the player instead of Jun in Map areas.
- Fixed a bug where some sound effects, such as the gong in Oba’s Cursed Trove, were not playing.
- Fixed a bug where filtering the Map Stash Tab with a quoted search term was not working properly.
- Fixed a bug where some modifier value ranges would sometimes not show on the Forbidden Taste and Doedre’s Elixir Unique Flasks.
- Fixed a bug where the 3D Art for Kaom’s Heart had lost some of its glow.
- Fixed an instance crash.