Original Post — Direct link

All in the title, /pathofexile says Jan 12 but I’ve seen many comments telling it won’t get extended.

Sorry if it has already been asked.

Edit: Answered.

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by chochom

3.12 Ends (PC): January 11, 2021

3.12 Ends (Console): January 18, 2021 (Predicted)

3.13 Launches (PC): January 15, 2021

3.13 Launches (Console): January 21, 2021

the sidebar is correct. The other comments were probably from before the announcement

The PC dates are correct here but 3.13 launches on console on January 20 - this is also when the current league ends.

over 4 years ago - /u/Community_Team - Direct link

Originally posted by jwfiredragon

Just to confirm: both the 3.12 end and 3.13 start on console will be on January 20? If so, I'll update the sidebar accordingly.

That's correct.