about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link

It's been more than a month since the start of the Betrayal League, and our community have been busy with not only exploring the new content this league has to offer, but also with expressing their talents in the form of fan art. For today's news post, we've picked several pieces of fan art created by our players over the last month, including digital art and painting, hand made, music and video entries.

Devourer Digital Fan Art by Iraxx

Atlas Attrition Wallpaper by Aquilaxx

Wallpapers for different display sizes can be found here.

Saqawal's Flock by krizos21

Wraeclast Men's Health by Kardalak


In Search of Fossils by HamHandsRobertson

Elder and Shaper by Bruceroidz

Leather Coaster by Bruceroidz

Path of Exile Figurines by LadyZeyra

Sketches by fishbeat


Betrayal Theme Remix by aTension

The Iron Fortress Flicker Build Showcase by Sie_Sayoka

Speaking of talents, Weta Workshop has recently released a video of creating the Starforge model for Chinese Path of Exile version. Check it out below, if you haven't seen it yet!

about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
It's been more than a month since the start of the Betrayal League, and our community have been busy with not only exploring the new content this league has to offer, but also with expressing their talents in the form of fan art. For today's news post, we've picked several pieces of fan art created by our players over the last month, including digital art and painting, hand made, music and video entries.

Click here to view the full news post.[www.pathofexile.com]
about 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We always enjoy seeing how Path of Exile inspires players to create fan art. We've gathered a few pieces of the recent creations from our community to share with you, including video submissions, paintings and digital art, and a couple of tattoos!

Inya, the Unbearable Whispers by NotForYouHiggins

The Last Betrayal by Desadaptado2

Captain Fairgraves Tattoo by GhazzyTV

Path of Exile Tattoo by Ugly__Boy

Wraeclast's Men Health #4 and Entertainment for Exiles #1 by Kardalak


Supporter Pack Concept Art by timqq


Ascendancy Animated by Oscrix

If you'd like us to check out your fan art, be sure to submit it to the Community Showcase forum section, or our subreddit. Thank you for your incredible talents!

about 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
We always enjoy seeing how Path of Exile inspires players to create fan art. We've gathered a few pieces of the recent creations from our community to share with you, including video submissions, paintings and digital art, and a couple of tattoos! Click here to check out the full news post.[www.pathofexile.com]
almost 6 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We love discovering various fan art created by our players and sharing it with the rest of the community! Today we've picked several pieces of recent fan art, including digital art, painting, 3D modelling, hand made and music submissions.

3D Models of Redblade Banner and Xoph's Inception by Attaras


Some Nightmare by DMCupitty

Path of Exile - Venarius (aTension Psytrance Remix) by eko1991

A Cake by eosbatcat

Uniques Personified by Gunoo


Path of Exile Retro Anime Screenshot by Kishimo21

Zana by ManisD

Einhar Business! by RikoZaSakka


Microtransactions Concept Art by timqq

Good news for all our fan art creators: we're planning to run a new competition pretty soon (with an awesome prize pool)! Stay tuned!

almost 6 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/238960/announcements/detail/1767008477037067516]here[/url].
almost 6 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link
We love discovering various fan art created by our players and sharing it with the rest of the community! Today we've picked several pieces of recent fan art, including digital art, painting, 3D modelling, hand made and music submissions.

Check them out in this news post![www.pathofexile.com]
over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We are always amazed by how many players like to express their talents in the form of Path of Exile fan art! As we often do, we've gathered some of the recently submitted fan art to share with you today.

Alva and the Temple of Atzoatl by UNZlPPED

Demigod Arc Witch by Gunoo

Abberath by haxxori

Niko by monstrts

Wraeclast Men's Health and Entertainment for Exiles by Kardalak


Einhar Crochet Figurine by lenlenrl

Double Vaal by pangestu

over 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/games/238960/announcements/detail/1594753310286809004]here[/url].
over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We are always amazed by how many players like to express their talents in the form of Path of Exile fan art! As we often do, we've gathered some of the recently submitted fan art to share with you today.

Alva and the Temple of Atzoatl by UNZlPPED

Demigod Arc Witch by Gunoo

Abberath by haxxori

Niko by monstrts

Wraeclast Men's Health and Entertainment for Exiles by Kardalak

Einhar Crochet Figurine by lenlenrl

Double Vaal by pangestu
over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

It's not been too long since our last round of the Community Showcase, but we're continuing to receive so many awesome fan art pieces from our players that we can't help but to showcase them to the wider community. Check them out below!

The Doctor by zxdrrtolkin13

The Occultist Fan Art by Coffee-Spoons

Niko by yunokiilie

Escape Artist by darklolita666

Queen Atziri Tattoo Design by zelsortk

Immortal Syndicate by Wardebronze

Sinful delights by Kishimo21

Divination Cards Wallpaper by IKarmahI

Wallpapers for different display sizes can be found here.

If you want to submit your creative work, feel free to create a thread in this Forum section or our subreddit. It's always exciting to see your creations!

over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

It's time for another round of our Community Showcase news series where we're demonstrating the latest pieces of various fan art created by our talented players! Today we're showcasing a couple of hand-made items, some digital art and a tattoo!

Elder by Medervik

Mirror of Kalandra by Skraelos

Essence tattoo by Luniev

Mirror of Kalandra by FjoriMakes

Exalted Orb Keychain by Denisiums

If you'd like to view more community creations or need some inspiration for your own fan art, check out our previous Community Showcase posts here, here and here.

over 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We are now over two weeks into Blight League and our community have already produced lots of new and exciting artwork. Today we would like to showcase some of our favourite pieces in this news post.

Raising a New Generation of Templars by thefearkey

Sister Cassia Fan Art by lehmannthiago

Sister Cassia Fan Art by MalevolentPapaya

Summoner League Fan Art by KungFuPanda2

Elementalist by darklolita666

Piety and Dominus Cosplay by VaultDweller24

4k Render of a Chaos Orb by ToniBlixt

Wrath of the Le Toucan by zxdrrtolkin13

Izaro by BGCelldweller2

aTension Blight Remix by eko1991

If you want to see more creations from our community or want us to check out some work of your own, be sure to visit or submit it to the Community Showcase forum section, or our subreddit. Thank you for your excellent fan art and we look forward to any future submissions!

about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're excited to see the fan art that our community continues to create, inspired by Path of Exile. It's been a while since the last fan art showcase, so we feel it's time to show off our players' latest creations! Check them out below:

Halls of Oriath 3D Art by Vantiel

You can find more screenshots here.

The Hooded Figure by DMCupitty

Sister Cassia by quackquackimduck

Path of Exile Currency by LeinTer

Tane the Meatmorpher by Sarcomite

'Paint Your Build' by SkintickeT5

Thank you to everyone who shared their Path of Exile fan art over this year. We're so lucky to have such a talented community! P.S. It's time to get ready for another Talent Competition ;)

about 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/1690470748464479919]here[/url].
about 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We're excited to see the fan art that our community continues to create, inspired by Path of Exile. It's been a while since the last fan art showcase, so we feel it's time to show off our players' latest creations! Check them out below:

Halls of Oriath 3D Art by Vantiel

You can find more screenshots here[zach-schwartz.com].

The Hooded Figure by DMCupitty

Sister Cassia by quackquackimduck

Path of Exile Currency by LeinTer

Tane the Meatmorpher by Sarcomite

'Paint Your Build' by SkintickeT5

Thank you to everyone who shared their Path of Exile fan art over this year. We're so lucky to have such a talented community! P.S. It's time to get ready for another Talent Competition ;)
almost 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

It's been a while since we showcased fan art created by our players, so we've gathered some of the recent pieces of the community's artwork to share with you today. Check them out below:

Witch in Elder Darkseer Set by Jorsch84

The Brothers by Catcomfortable

Kitava Stitching by helbigsharto

Wraeclast Men'sHealth #11 by Kardalak

Devourer Fan Art by turdpudge

We also have another dedicated Exile who has immortalised Path of Exile on his own body. Just look at this epic Pantheon piece on blackmamba2702's back!

We're always happy to see fan art inspired by Path of Exile. If you want to share your talents with us and the rest of the players, just submit your artwork to the Community Showcase forum section or our subreddit.

almost 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Since the launch of the Delirium expansion, our players have not only been actively playing the league, but also expressing their talents in the form of Path of Exile-themed fan art! Check out the recent submissions from our community creators below.

Zana by zoe-dith

Kitava Leather Bag and Einhar Figurine by LikotUbendeb

Kitava and Mjölner Pixel Art by Sobolenok

Delirium Fan Art by yy6242

Zana by UncleWaffle

Wraeclast Men'sHealth #12 and #13 by Kardalak

Malachai Figurine by D0nCarlito

Delirium Remix by eko1991

Catarina by nimue094

Cospri's Malice 3D Fanart by darkminaz (click here to view the full version)

We'd like to thank our players once again for their amazing fan art. Keep it up!

almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3335421384229764549]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Since the launch of the Delirium expansion, our players have not only been actively playing the league, but also expressing their talents in the form of Path of Exile-themed fan art! Check out the recent submissions from our community creators below.

Zana by zoe-dith

Kitava Leather Bag and Einhar Figurine by LikotUbendeb

Kitava and Mjölner Pixel Art by Sobolenok

Delirium Fan Art by yy6242

Zana by UncleWaffle

Wraeclast Men'sHealth #12 and #13 by Kardalak

Malachai Figurine by D0nCarlito

Delirium Remix by eko1991

Catarina by nimue094

Cospri's Malice 3D Fanart by darkminaz

We'd like to thank our players once again for their amazing fan art. Keep it up!
almost 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're always happy to show off the talents of our players to the wider community. For today's news post we gathered several pieces of recently submitted Path of Exile fan art. Check them below!

Young Golemancer by KungFuPanda2

Nine-Tailed Fox Pet Air Brush by Cocaneman

Strange Voice and Voices Fanart by HoldimProvae

Solaris by yellowsubmarinedude

Kitava Fanart (made by using every piece of Kitava lore and dialogue) by textartguy

Strange Voice Fanart by Doranex

The Twilight Strand Painting by recoilwhenyouwake's Mum

almost 5 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2217404588449755646]here[/url].
almost 5 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We're always happy to show off the talents of our players to the wider community. For today's news post we gathered several pieces of recently submitted Path of Exile fan art. Check them below!

Young Golemancer by KungFuPanda2

Nine-Tailed Fox Pet Air Brush by Cocaneman

Strange Voice and Voices Fanart by HoldimProvae

Solaris by yellowsubmarinedude

Strange Voice Fanart by Doranex

The Twilight Strand Painting by recoilwhenyouwake's Mum

over 4 years ago - Bex_GGG - Direct link

Our talented community continues to create artwork inspired by Path of Exile content, and we're excited to share some of the recently submitted pieces of fan art with you. Check them out below.

Awakener Metal Band Album Cover by Kardalak

First Encounter with Duelist by Birdylyc

Purposeful Harbinger Fan Art by CheeseNachowithCheese

Kosis, the Revelation by Doranex

Delirium League Character by calljtoday

Fan Art of Path of Exile Hideout by Tao_PaiPai

Sister Cassia by yunokiilie

Izaro and Elder by lehmannthiago

Witch by Za_Pierrot

What's the Matter, Exile? by WidoXx

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're finishing this week by showcasing artistic talents of the community once again. By the way, this weekend is the last for our ongoing Harvest Fan Art competition, so if you haven't submitted your art yet, you have only a few days left to do so. In the meantime, check out the recent pieces of fan art made by our players over the past month.

The Strange Voice by Natilo

Age of Exile by NatsataAble

Lunaris by calljtoday

Headhunter 3D Model by zensei

Path of Exile Bosses and NPCs by lehmannthiago

Click here to view images in large definition.

Occultist 3D Model by Joweet

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

" Still no news about bloom?

Not this week unfortunately. We'll give you an update as soon as we can.

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2764600278181583011]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We're finishing this week by showcasing artistic talents of the community once again. By the way, this weekend is the last for our ongoing Harvest Fan Art competition, so if you haven't submitted your art yet, you have only a few days left to do so. In the meantime, check out the recent pieces of fan art made by our players over the past month.

The Strange Voice by Natilo

Age of Exile by NatsataAble

Lunaris by calljtoday

Headhunter 3D Model by zensei

Path of Exile Bosses and NPCs by lehmannthiago

Occultist 3D Model by Joweet
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're always happy to see fan art submissions created by our talented community. For this news post we've gathered several pieces of recent artwork, inspired by the Heist league content. Enjoy!

Tibbs by Kardalak

Just Chilling Before Heist Comes by boldoser

Zana's Ultimate Form by QueenNie

Heist Fan Art by yy6242

Hana by Ailuart

While we have your attention, we wanted to mention that we're still assessing reports and working on fixes and will share more information as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're always happy to see fan art submissions created by our talented community. For this news post we've gathered several pieces of recent artwork, inspired by the Heist league content. Enjoy!

Tibbs by Kardalak

Just Chilling Before Heist Comes by boldoser

Zana's Ultimate Form by QueenNie

Heist Fan Art by yy6242

Hana by Ailuart

While we have your attention, we wanted to mention that we're still assessing reports and working on fixes and will share more information as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2916600481032528031]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We're always happy to see fan art submissions created by our talented community. For this news post we've gathered several pieces of recent artwork, inspired by the Heist league content. Enjoy!

Tibbs by Kardalak

Just Chilling Before Heist Comes by boldoser

Zana's Ultimate Form by QueenNie

Heist Fan Art by yy6242

Hana by Ailuart

While we have your attention, we wanted to mention that we're still assessing reports and working on fixes and will share more information as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience!
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're continuing to showcase pieces of Path of Exile fan art created by our community. For this round we've gathered several artworks and a music submission. Check them out!

Huck, the Soldier by GunToad

Good Old Necromancer by Gizliat

Tibbs Coub and Comics by Joe_Duncan


An Armour Set Concept Art by deerdido

Heist Theme Remix by eko1991

Fan Art by Kardalak

We're always looking for fan art submissions, so if you'd like to showcase your talents to our devs and the wider community, just post your entry on the forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're continuing to showcase pieces of Path of Exile fan art created by our community. For this round we've gathered several artworks and a music submission. Check them out!

Huck, the Soldier by GunToad

Good Old Necromancer by Gizliat

Tibbs Coub and Comics by Joe_Duncan


An Armour Set Concept Art by deerdido

Heist Theme Remix by eko1991

Fan Art by Kardalak

We're always looking for fan art submissions, so if you'd like to showcase your talents to our devs and the wider community, just post your entry on the forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're continuing to showcase pieces of Path of Exile fan art created by our community. For this round we've gathered several artworks and a music submission. Check them out!

Huck, the Soldier by GunToad

Good Old Necromancer by Gizliat

Tibbs Coub and Comics by Joe_Duncan


An Armour Set Concept Art by deerdido

Heist Theme Remix by eko1991

Fan Art by Kardalak

We're always looking for fan art submissions, so if you'd like to showcase your talents to our devs and the wider community, just post your entry on the forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're continuing to showcase pieces of Path of Exile fan art created by our community. For this round we've gathered several artworks and a music submission. Check them out!

Huck, the Soldier by GunToad

Good Old Necromancer by Gizliat

Tibbs Coub and Comics by Joe_Duncan


An Armour Set Concept Art by deerdido

Heist Theme Remix by eko1991

Fan Art by Kardalak

We're always looking for fan art submissions, so if you'd like to showcase your talents to our devs and the wider community, just post your entry on the forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We're continuing to showcase pieces of Path of Exile fan art created by our community. For this round we've gathered several artworks and a music submission. Check them out!

Huck, the Soldier by GunToad

Good Old Necromancer by Gizliat

Tibbs Coub and Comics by Joe_Duncan


An Armour Set Concept Art by deerdido

Heist Theme Remix by eko1991

Fan Art by Kardalak

We're always looking for fan art submissions, so if you'd like to showcase your talents to our devs and the wider community, just post your entry on the forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2925610215567431243]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We're continuing to showcase pieces of Path of Exile fan art created by our community. For this round we've gathered several artworks and a music submission. Check them out!

Huck, the Soldier by GunToad

Good Old Necromancer by Gizliat

Tibbs Coub and Comics by Joe_Duncan

An Armour Set Concept Art by deerdido

Heist Theme Remix by eko1991[www.pathofexile.com]

Fan Art by Kardalak

We're always looking for fan art submissions, so if you'd like to showcase your talents to our devs and the wider community, just post your entry on the forum[www.pathofexile.com] or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community. Check them out below!

Witch Cosplay by envatilea

Sirus Fan Art by SMOKOwita

'Hey Rookie!' by timqq

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community. Check them out below!

Witch Cosplay by envatilea

Sirus Fan Art by SMOKOwita

'Hey Rookie!' by timqq

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community. Check them out below!

Witch Cosplay by envatilea

Sirus Fan Art by SMOKOwita

'Hey Rookie!' by timqq

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community. Check them out below!

Witch Cosplay by envatilea

Sirus Fan Art by SMOKOwita

'Hey Rookie!' by timqq

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Our players never cease to amaze us not only with their builds but also with the Path of Exile inspired fan art they create. We've selected several entries recently submitted to our forum and social media as well as some Twitch clips that we found entertaining to share with the wider community.

Witch Cosplay by envatilea

Sirus Fan Art by SMOKOwita

'Hey Rookie!' by timqq

Click here to watch Twitch clips.[www.pathofexile.com]
over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2956010782090486833]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We've recently discovered a number of great pieces of artwork created by our players and we're excited to showcase them to the wider community today. Check them out below!

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Tabula Rasa, Loreweave and Queen of the Forest by Gunoo

'What do You See in the Mirror?' by HoldimProvae

'Birthday Parties Might Just Be Tougher to Plan' by maaarttkoh

Fan Art by Flefer

Einhar and Niko's Crazy Azurite Alter Ego by mecmb

If you'd like to share your artwork or any fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, just post your submission on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We've recently discovered a number of great pieces of artwork created by our players and we're excited to showcase them to the wider community today. Check them out below!

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Tabula Rasa, Loreweave and Queen of the Forest by Gunoo

'What do You See in the Mirror?' by HoldimProvae

'Birthday Parties Might Just Be Tougher to Plan' by maaarttkoh

Fan Art by Flefer

Einhar and Niko's Crazy Azurite Alter Ego by mecmb

If you'd like to share your artwork or any fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, just post your submission on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We've recently discovered a number of great pieces of artwork created by our players and we're excited to showcase them to the wider community today. Check them out below!

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Tabula Rasa, Loreweave and Queen of the Forest by Gunoo

'What do You See in the Mirror?' by HoldimProvae

'Birthday Parties Might Just Be Tougher to Plan' by maaarttkoh

Fan Art by Flefer

Einhar and Niko's Crazy Azurite Alter Ego by mecmb

If you'd like to share your artwork or any fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, just post your submission on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

We've recently discovered a number of great pieces of artwork created by our players and we're excited to showcase them to the wider community today. Check them out below!

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Tabula Rasa, Loreweave and Queen of the Forest by Gunoo

'What do You See in the Mirror?' by HoldimProvae

'Birthday Parties Might Just Be Tougher to Plan' by maaarttkoh

Fan Art by Flefer

Einhar and Niko's Crazy Azurite Alter Ego by mecmb

If you'd like to share your artwork or any fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, just post your submission on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

over 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2925613388074389374]here[/url].
over 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
We've recently discovered a number of great pieces of artwork created by our players and we're excited to showcase them to the wider community today. Check them out below!

Uniques Personified by Gunoo

'What do You See in the Mirror?' by HoldimProvae

Einhar and Niko's Crazy Azurite Alter Ego by mecmb

Check out more submissions here[www.pathofexile.com]!
about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us with their talents. For today's news post we've gathered several recent pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community.

Golemancy by Natilo

Raging Spirits and Izaro's Fury by mecmb

Sin by SMOKOwita

The Brine King Figurine (WIP) by SoulBinder

Sirus, Awakener of Worlds by HoldimProvae

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us with their talents. For today's news post we've gathered several recent pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community.

Golemancy by Natilo

Raging Spirits and Izaro's Fury by mecmb

Sin by SMOKOwita

The Brine King Figurine (WIP) by SoulBinder

Sirus, Awakener of Worlds by HoldimProvae

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us with their talents. For today's news post we've gathered several recent pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community.

Golemancy by Natilo

Raging Spirits and Izaro's Fury by mecmb

Sin by SMOKOwita

The Brine King Figurine (WIP) by SoulBinder

Sirus, Awakener of Worlds by HoldimProvae

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us with their talents. For today's news post we've gathered several recent pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community.

Golemancy by Natilo

Raging Spirits and Izaro's Fury by mecmb

Sin by SMOKOwita

The Brine King Figurine (WIP) by SoulBinder

Sirus, Awakener of Worlds by HoldimProvae

about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

Our players never cease to amaze us with their talents. For today's news post we've gathered several recent pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community.

Golemancy by Natilo

Raging Spirits and Izaro's Fury by mecmb

Sin by SMOKOwita

The Brine King Figurine (WIP) by SoulBinder

Sirus, Awakener of Worlds by HoldimProvae

about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/2948133921657803831]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
Our players never cease to amaze use with their talents. For today's news post we've gathered several recent pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community.

Golemancy by Natilo

Raging Spirits and Izaro's Fury by mecmb

Sin by SMOKOwita

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We cannot believe how creative our community is! For today’s news post, we wanted to share amazing pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community. Check them out below.

Maven fanart by Conqista

Mud Flats Ritual Altar Nightmare by Whisprex

IRL Badge of the Brotherhood Turquoise Amulet by envatilea

Bloons of Exile by Axon_Griegor

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Dying Sun by Gunoo

We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We cannot believe how creative our community is! For today’s news post, we wanted to share amazing pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community. Check them out below.

Maven fanart by Conqista

Mud Flats Ritual Altar Nightmare by Whisprex

IRL Badge of the Brotherhood Turquoise Amulet by envatilea

Bloons of Exile by Axon_Griegor

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Dying Sun by Gunoo

We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We cannot believe how creative our community is! For today’s news post, we wanted to share amazing pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community. Check them out below.

Maven fanart by Conqista

Mud Flats Ritual Altar Nightmare by Whisprex

IRL Badge of the Brotherhood Turquoise Amulet by envatilea

Bloons of Exile by Axon_Griegor

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Dying Sun by Gunoo

We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We cannot believe how creative our community is! For today’s news post, we wanted to share amazing pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community. Check them out below.

Maven fanart by Conqista

Mud Flats Ritual Altar Nightmare by Whisprex

IRL Badge of the Brotherhood Turquoise Amulet by envatilea

Bloons of Exile by Axon_Griegor

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Dying Sun by Gunoo

We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3064104783592215078]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
We cannot believe how creative our community is! For today’s news post, we wanted to share amazing pieces of Path of Exile-inspired fan art created by our community. Check them out below.

Maven fanart by Conqista

Mud Flats Ritual Altar Nightmare by {LINK REMOVED}Whisprex

IRL Badge of the Brotherhood Turquoise Amulet by envatilea

Bloons of Exile by {LINK REMOVED}Axon_Griegor

Uniques Personified - 3D Art of Dying Sun by Gunoo

We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Detailed replicas of waypoints, beautiful re-imaginings of the Maven and even kitchen knives made of felt! These are just a few examples of the incredible creations our community regularly post in our forums. We’ve gathered these artworks and more in today’s news post to share with you all. Check them out below!

Maven by FudgeCakeDevil

Project Highgate - Pt1 - Waypoint by ihasaKAROT

See More Spoiler

The Maven by yy6242

Necromancer Fan Art by AbstractMore

Tattoos by raulguilherme

Witch Fan Art by Gizliat

Maven Fanart by WidoXx

Repentance, Bino’s Kitchen Knife and Herald of Agony Crawler by altair6661486

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Detailed replicas of waypoints, beautiful re-imaginings of the Maven and even kitchen knives made of felt! These are just a few examples of the incredible creations our community regularly post in our forums. We’ve gathered these artworks and more in today’s news post to share with you all. Check them out below!

Maven by FudgeCakeDevil

Project Highgate - Pt1 - Waypoint by ihasaKAROT

See More Spoiler

The Maven by yy6242

Necromancer Fan Art by AbstractMore

Tattoos by raulguilherme

Witch Fan Art by Gizliat

Maven Fanart by WidoXx

Repentance, Bino’s Kitchen Knife and Herald of Agony Crawler by altair6661486

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Detailed replicas of waypoints, beautiful re-imaginings of the Maven and even kitchen knives made of felt! These are just a few examples of the incredible creations our community regularly post in our forums. We’ve gathered these artworks and more in today’s news post to share with you all. Check them out below!

Maven by FudgeCakeDevil

Project Highgate - Pt1 - Waypoint by ihasaKAROT

See More Spoiler

The Maven by yy6242

Necromancer Fan Art by AbstractMore

Tattoos by raulguilherme

Witch Fan Art by Gizliat

Maven Fanart by WidoXx

Repentance, Bino’s Kitchen Knife and Herald of Agony Crawler by altair6661486

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Detailed replicas of waypoints, beautiful re-imaginings of the Maven and even kitchen knives made of felt! These are just a few examples of the incredible creations our community regularly post in our forums. We’ve gathered these artworks and more in today’s news post to share with you all. Check them out below!

Maven by FudgeCakeDevil

Project Highgate - Pt1 - Waypoint by ihasaKAROT

See More Spoiler

The Maven by yy6242

Necromancer Fan Art by AbstractMore

Tattoos by raulguilherme

Witch Fan Art by Gizliat

Maven Fanart by WidoXx

Repentance, Bino’s Kitchen Knife and Herald of Agony Crawler by altair6661486

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Detailed replicas of waypoints, beautiful re-imaginings of the Maven and even kitchen knives made of felt! These are just a few examples of the incredible creations our community regularly post in our forums. We’ve gathered these artworks and more in today’s news post to share with you all. Check them out below!

Maven by FudgeCakeDevil

Project Highgate - Pt1 - Waypoint by ihasaKAROT

See More Spoiler

The Maven by yy6242

Necromancer Fan Art by AbstractMore

Tattoos by raulguilherme

Witch Fan Art by Gizliat

Maven Fanart by WidoXx

Repentance, Bino’s Kitchen Knife and Herald of Agony Crawler by altair6661486

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Detailed replicas of waypoints, beautiful re-imaginings of the Maven and even kitchen knives made of felt! These are just a few examples of the incredible creations our community regularly post in our forums. We’ve gathered these artworks and more in today’s news post to share with you all. Check them out below!

Maven by FudgeCakeDevil

Project Highgate - Pt1 - Waypoint by {LINK REMOVED}ihasaKAROT

The Maven by yy6242

Necromancer Fan Art by AbstractMore

Tattoos by raulguilherme

Witch Fan Art by Gizliat

Maven Fanart by WidoXx

Repentance, Bino’s Kitchen Knife and Herald of Agony Crawler by {LINK REMOVED}altair6661486

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.
about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3059601818321069691]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Let me bend your ear for a moment! In today’s news post, we have gathered some awesome creations from our community including a remix of the Maven theme and guitar cover of the Sirus theme, as well as more fantastic fan art. Take a look at their great work below.

Path of Exile - Maven (aTension Remix - no meme version) by aTension

Path of Exile: Orion - Guitar Jam Edition by Helscream

Maven by Cursedone66

Oshabi by Tartharos

Simple Breach Fanart by HoldimProvae

The Envoy by WidoXx

Quin69 - commissioned piece by Mihai Radu

If you are inspired and want to create your own fan art, don’t forget to share them with us and your fellow Exiles by posting your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Let me bend your ear for a moment! In today’s news post, we have gathered some awesome creations from our community including a remix of the Maven theme and guitar cover of the Sirus theme, as well as more fantastic fan art. Take a look at their great work below.

Path of Exile - Maven (aTension Remix - no meme version) by aTension

Path of Exile: Orion - Guitar Jam Edition by Helscream

Maven by Cursedone66

Oshabi by Tartharos

Simple Breach Fanart by HoldimProvae

The Envoy by WidoXx

Quin69 - commissioned piece by Mihai Radu

If you are inspired and want to create your own fan art, don’t forget to share them with us and your fellow Exiles by posting your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Let me bend your ear for a moment! In today’s news post, we have gathered some awesome creations from our community including a remix of the Maven theme and guitar cover of the Sirus theme, as well as more fantastic fan art. Take a look at their great work below.

Path of Exile - Maven (aTension Remix - no meme version) by aTension

Path of Exile: Orion - Guitar Jam Edition by Helscream

Maven by Cursedone66

Oshabi by Tartharos

Simple Breach Fanart by HoldimProvae

The Envoy by WidoXx

Quin69 - commissioned piece by Mihai Radu

If you are inspired and want to create your own fan art, don’t forget to share them with us and your fellow Exiles by posting your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Let me bend your ear for a moment! In today’s news post, we have gathered some awesome creations from our community including a remix of the Maven theme and guitar cover of the Sirus theme, as well as more fantastic fan art. Take a look at their great work below.

Path of Exile - Maven (aTension Remix - no meme version) by aTension

Path of Exile: Orion - Guitar Jam Edition by Helscream

Maven by Cursedone66

Oshabi by Tartharos

Simple Breach Fanart by HoldimProvae

The Envoy by WidoXx

Quin69 - commissioned piece by Mihai Radu

If you are inspired and want to create your own fan art, don’t forget to share them with us and your fellow Exiles by posting your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Let me bend your ear for a moment! In today’s news post, we have gathered some awesome creations from our community including a remix of the Maven theme and guitar cover of the Sirus theme, as well as more fantastic fan art. Take a look at their great work below.

Path of Exile - Maven (aTension Remix - no meme version) by aTension

Path of Exile: Orion - Guitar Jam Edition by Helscream

Maven by Cursedone66

Oshabi by Tartharos

Simple Breach Fanart by HoldimProvae

The Envoy by WidoXx

Quin69 - commissioned piece by Mihai Radu

If you are inspired and want to create your own fan art, don’t forget to share them with us and your fellow Exiles by posting your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

about 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3059601818342179514]here[/url].
about 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Let me bend your ear for a moment! In today’s news post, we have gathered some awesome creations from our community including a remix of the Maven theme and guitar cover of the Sirus theme, as well as more fantastic fan art. Take a look at their great work below.

Path of Exile - Maven (aTension Remix - no meme version) by {LINK REMOVED}aTension

Path of Exile: Orion - Guitar Jam Edition by {LINK REMOVED}Helscream

Maven by Cursedone66

Oshabi by {LINK REMOVED}Tartharos

Simple Breach Fanart by {LINK REMOVED}HoldimProvae

The Envoy by WidoXx

Quin69 - commissioned piece by Mihai Radu

If you are inspired and want to create your own fan art, don’t forget to share them with us and your fellow Exiles by posting your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.
almost 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Ultimatum has been out for a few days now and while we're keeping an eye on feedback and reports regarding Ultimatum, we wanted to showcase some awesome Path of Exile-inspired creations from our community. Check them out!

Pixel-Art Atziri, Queen of the Vaal by thr33jackdaws

You Only Live Once, Exile by Conqista

The Trialmaster by lehmannthiago

Warden’s Chambers by WidoXx

Demigod Arc Witch by SK_Gunoo

Sin, Innocence and Kitava by Raydenshi


Acton’s Nightmare - Theme and Three Variations by envatilea

We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

almost 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/4793494747491477767]here[/url].
almost 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Ultimatum has been out for a few days now and while we're keeping an eye on feedback and reports regarding Ultimatum, we wanted to showcase some awesome Path of Exile-inspired creations from our community. Check them out!

Pixel-Art Atziri, Queen of the Vaal by {LINK REMOVED}thr33jackdaws

You Only Live Once, Exile by Conqista

The Trialmaster by lehmannthiago

Warden’s Chambers by WidoXx

Demigod Arc Witch by SK_Gunoo

Sin, Innocence and Kitava by {LINK REMOVED}Raydenshi

Acton’s Nightmare - Theme and Three Variations by {LINK REMOVED}envatilea
We can’t wait to see what else our players come up with next. If you’d like to share any artwork or fan art with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum or our subreddit.

almost 4 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We love seeing the creativity within our community and wanted to take a moment to showcase some of the incredible pieces you've shared with us recently. Check them out below!

Solaris and Lunaris by rain8owghost

Glimpse of Chaos by WidoXx

Pixel Twilight Strand by gentlemanWiz

Ship Graveyard by WidoXx

Crochet Jun and Zana by Hellfirenerk


Still Alive - Music Arrangement by thetigerblack

If you are inspired to create an artwork of your own, make sure you check out our Path of Exile Fan Art Competition, which we launched earlier this week. We can't wait to see what you all come up with next!

almost 4 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3061863764820617755]here[/url].
almost 4 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
We love seeing the creativity within our community and wanted to take a moment to showcase some of the incredible pieces you've shared with us recently. Check them out below!

Solaris and Lunaris by rain8owghost

Glimpse of Chaos by WidoXx

Pixel Twilight Strand by gentlemanWiz

Ship Graveyard by WidoXx

Crochet Jun and Zana by Hellfirenerk

Still Alive - Music Arrangement by {LINK REMOVED}thetigerblack
If you are inspired to create an artwork of your own, make sure you check out our {LINK REMOVED}Path of Exile Fan Art Competition, which we launched earlier this week. We can't wait to see what you all come up with next!
over 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

From Aspirants to Elders, we've seen some incredible pieces of fan art shared within our community that we wanted to showcase today. Check out their works below!

Watercolour Shaper and Elder by fernsato

The Saboteur by nylcostello

Aspirant by HuntedSFM

Big Spider and Little Witch by lolozori

The Crossroads and The Old Fields by WidoXx

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum!

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3002194240344778892]here[/url].
over 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
From Aspirants to Elders, we've seen some incredible pieces of fan art shared within our community that we wanted to showcase today. Check out their works below!

Watercolour Shaper and Elder by fernsato

The Saboteur by {LINK REMOVED}nylcostello

Aspirant by HuntedSFM

Big Spider and Little Witch by lolozori

The Crossroads and The Old Fields by WidoXx

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum!

over 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

Our community is always finding new ways to amaze us with their creative Path of Exile fan art! We've curated a variety of these pieces to share with you today. Check them out below!

Lioneye's Watch Piano Melody by envatilea

Expedition Fan Art by Conqista

The Elder by Departedart

Atziri's Promise Crochet by Hellfirenerk

Alternate Sin by Inemal

Conqueror of the Atlas by Temmaru

Archbishop Geofri the Abashed by WidoXx

3D Model by etherealSTEVE

Lvl 1 Marauder by Tessai91

Zana, Master Cartographer by Maelissa

We love to see your amazing art works so if you’d like to share any artwork with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum!

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page [url=https://steamcommunity.com/ogg/238960/announcements/detail/3003323582939111161]here[/url].
over 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
Our community is always finding new ways to amaze us with their creative Path of Exile fan art! We've curated a variety of these pieces to share with you today. Check them out below!

Lioneye's Watch Piano Melody by {LINK REMOVED}envatilea
Expedition Fan Art by Conqista

The Elder by Departedart

Atziri's Promise Crochet by Hellfirenerk

Alternate Sin by {LINK REMOVED}Inemal

Conqueror of the Atlas by {LINK REMOVED}Temmaru

Archbishop Geofri the Abashed by WidoXx

3D Model by etherealSTEVE

Lvl 1 Marauder by {LINK REMOVED}Tessai91

Zana, Master Cartographer by {LINK REMOVED}Maelissa

We love to see your amazing art works so if you’d like to share any artwork with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum!
over 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

There is so much talent in our community, so today we wanted to gather up some of the incredible fan art we have seen throughout the Expedition league and share them with you all! Check them out below!

Painted Oshabi Burn on Reclaimed Wood by GamerFumesCo

Soulkeeper Vizier Character Fan Art by gartean

Expedition Fan Art by WidoXx

Rhoa Dinner by Gunoo

Do It For Her by To-Binge

Path of Exile Tattoo by Departedart

Gwennen and Tujen Fan Art by lolozori

Merveil the Corrupted Princess - Music Arrangement by thetigerblack

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the Community Showcase forum!

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 3 years ago - CommunityTeam_GGG - Direct link
There is so much talent in our community, so today we wanted to gather up some of the incredible fan art we have seen throughout the Expedition league and share them with you all! Check them out below!

Painted Oshabi Burn on Reclaimed Wood by GamerFumesCo

Soulkeeper Vizier Character Fan Art by gartean

Expedition Fan Art by WidoXx

Rhoa Dinner by Gunoo

Do It For Her by To-Binge

Path of Exile Tattoo by Departedart

{LINK REMOVED}Gwennen and Tujen Fan Art by lolozori

Merveil the Corrupted Princess - Music Arrangement by {LINK REMOVED}thetigerblack

We love seeing your creativity in action so if you’d like to share any artwork with us and your fellow Exiles, please post your submissions on the {LINK REMOVED}Community Showcase forum!

over 3 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

The community never ceases to amaze us with its talents. From digital artwork and music to tattoos and cosplays - we love seeing that Path of Exile continues to inspire our players. For today's news post we've gathered several pieces of recent Fan Art, created outside our ongoing Fan Art Competition. Check them out below!

Chaos Orb Tattoo by AlexZohanLevin

Path of Exile Tattoo by AnzuJaam1

Scourge League Wallpaper by QueenNie

Scourge Pet Model by etherealSTEVE

Oshabi Cosplay by Nox_Eterna

Path of Exile Builds by Amysmadeofwax

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 3 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
The community never ceases to amaze us with its talents. From digital artwork and music to tattoos and cosplays - we love seeing that Path of Exile continues to inspire our players. For today's news post we've gathered several pieces of recent Fan Art, created outside our ongoing Fan Art Competition[www.pathofexile.com]. Check them out below!

Chaos Orb Tattoo by AlexZohanLevin

Path of Exile Tattoo by AnzuJaam1[www.pathofexile.com]

Scourge League Wallpaper by QueenNie

Scourge Pet Model by etherealSTEVE

Oshabi Cosplay by Nox_Eterna

Path of Exile Builds by Amysmadeofwax

over 3 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link

As a follow up to the recently published pieces of fan art created by our players, today we'd like to share some more. This round includes digital fan art and a tattoo. Check them out below!

Chaos Orb Tattoo by thebrokenglasstheory

The-Hellsong - commissioned piece by Joe_Duncan

The Cursed Words Fan Art by Kretone

Sirus, the Awakener Fan Art by Inemal

Templar Statue Fan Art by Xand32

If the talents of your fellow Exiles have inspired you to create your own piece of fan art, make sure to submit it to our ongoing Scourge Fan Art Competition! Find out more about it in this news post.

over 3 years ago - /u/ - Direct link
A lil somethin somethin: You can find the details for this event on the announcement page here.
over 3 years ago - Natalia_GGG - Direct link
As a follow up to the recently published[www.pathofexile.com] pieces of fan art created by our players, today we'd like to share some more. This round includes digital fan art and a tattoo. Check them out below!

Chaos Orb Tattoo by thebrokenglasstheory

The-Hellsong - commissioned piece by Joe_Duncan

The Cursed Words Fan Art by Kretone

Sirus, the Awakener Fan Art by Inemal[www.pathofexile.com]

Templar Statue Fan Art by Xand32[www.pathofexile.com]

If the talents of your fellow Exiles have inspired you to create your own piece of fan art, make sure to submit it to our ongoing Scourge Fan Art Competition! Find out more about it in this news post[www.pathofexile.com].
about 3 years ago - Community_Team - Direct link

We're always happy to see Path of Exile-inspired fan art from our players. In this news post we've gathered the recent fan art submissions to share with the wider community. Check them out below!

Maven Choir and Piano Cover by envatilea

Al-Hezmin, the Hunter by KarisRahl

Siege of the Atlas Wallpaper by QueenNie

Mirror of Kalandra by SearchSin

The Elder by DasLewis

Searing Exarch by WidoXx

The Maven by SoshkaUwU

If you want to showcase your talents to our team and your fellow Exiles, just create a thread on the forum or our subreddit.