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In the Conquerors of the Atlas expansion we heavily revamped the endgame, adding five new bosses and drastically altering how players explore the Atlas. Today, we'd like to talk about some of the changes that are coming to the Atlas of Worlds in Path of Exile: Delirium.
One of the main pieces of feedback we saw was that spawning conquerors felt too random. Previously, you would randomly spawn Shaper and Elder influence on your Atlas and then were able to deterministically push the influence around to spawn the Elder Guardians and the Elder itself. We want to bring some of that determinism back into the Atlas. Here's our current plan:
Beginning after you're first able to fight the Awakener, you'll need to spawn influence in a region. This influence will spawn randomly but with a high chance. Once influence spawns in a region, you'll see a new icon and bar next to your Atlas Inventory (where your Watchstones can be stored on the left). This bar is segmented into either 5, 7 or 9 sections. The first, middle and last segment in the bar represent maps that contain influenced monsters and outcomes. In the following screenshot, the first map has been completed, with the 3rd and 5th map still to be.

Let's use a 5-segment bar as an example.
- Map 1: You'll be met with the usual packs of monsters that you've become accustomed to.
- Map 2: Will not contain any influence monsters, but will progress the bar.
- Map 3: Will once again contain influence monsters and outcomes.
- Map 4: Will not contain any influence monsters, but will progress the bar.
- Map 5: Will once again contain influence monsters and outcomes.
After the fifth map, your bar will be filled and you'll be able to speak to Kirac and Zana in your hideout to open portals to the Conqueror itself.
The upsides of this approach are that long unlucky streaks are much less likely to occur, and you will know ahead of time when you're going to get the second and third influence outcomes. This means that you'll be able to plan ahead and run your best maps to maximise rewards.
We are bringing back the Sextant vendor recipe. You will once again be able to trade three of a sextant for one of the next-best sextant. Three Simple Sextants will yield a Prime Sextant. Three Prime Sextants will yield an Awakened Sextant. Related to Sextants, we are adjusting the "Uses Remaining" counts for Unique Watchstones such that they will be divisible by 3, and where changes are being made, we're rounding up; no more Watchstone with a single use remaining and the unfun decision about whether to use a sextant on it or not.Atlas Reshuffle
We are making very minimal changes to the Atlas in Path of Exile: Delirium League, though we'll be making minor adjustments to a few map tiers. This will result in Atlas map completion being reset on Standard league. You will retain your Unique Map completion. Completing a high-tier map will complete all maps one tier below the map that you completed. For example, completing a Tier 15 Map will complete all maps up to Tier 14.Awakening Level and Awakening Bonus Objectives
We're making a few changes to Awakening Level bonuses. Your Awakening Level will be set per four Watchstones that you have socketed in your Atlas. This means that you can have four Watchstones socketed in four different regions and you'll have Awakening Level 1. This should result in players having an Awakening Level that gradually increases as they journey through the Atlas, rather than almost all of the levels coming much later.One of our goals is to provide more incentive to complete Awakening Bonus Objectives. We'll be taking a few steps to achieve this. We'll be moving the "x% increased effect of Modifiers on non-unique Maps" bonus from the Awakening Level bonus to Awakening Bonus Objectives. This will result in the sought-after bonus still being available, but having a different means of acquisition. Otherwise, all of the bonuses that Awakening Levels grant remain as is. Secondly, you'll be able to increase your chance of getting an Atlas Mission on completing a map by completing Awakening Bonus Objectives. We will be reducing the base chance of receiving an Atlas Mission chance slightly, but the net result is that with 75 Awakening Bonus Objectives complete, you'll be back to a 40% chance. With 150 Awakening Bonus Objectives complete, you'll have a 45% chance to receive an Atlas Mission. We'll also be removing the "x% chance for Maps to drop one tier higher" bonus from Awakening Bonus Objectives.
Awakening Level bonuses will give everything that they gave before, except x% increased effect of Modifiers on non-unique Maps.Bonus Objective bonuses are unchanged.
Awakening Bonus Objectives will now give:
- x% increased effect of Modifiers on non-unique Maps (up to the 24% previously available)
- x% increased chance of receiving an Atlas Mission (10% total in addition to the base chance of 35%)