about 2 years
ago -
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Merry Christmas and happy holidays, Exiles! As is tradition, we're offering everyone a free Sanctum Mystery Box!
To redeem your free Sanctum Mystery Box all you need to do is to open the in-game shop! The Mystery Box will be automatically added to your account and you'll find it in your Microtransaction Stash. Please note that visiting the shop on the website does not trigger the free box - it must be accessed from inside the game client.
To receive a free Sanctum Mystery Box, your account has to have been created prior to today. It's only possible to get one box per account. The offer is available for PC, PlayStation and Xbox!
If you already own all items from the Sanctum Mystery Box, you will get two Glimmerwood Mystery Boxes instead.
The free mystery box will stop being available at Jan 08, 2023 5:59 AM (EST) i.e. 3am on January 8th (PST). Check out the contents of the Sanctum Mystery Box in the trailer below.
We hope you're having a great holiday!