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We're now at the beginning of the third week of the Legion league, and as we often do, today we're looking at the breakdown of each class and ascendancy. In an update with a heavy focus on improving Melee gameplay, it'll be interesting to see what's popular!
We'll start with the PC realms, including characters of all levels: .posttable th { font-weight: bold; } .posttable td, .posttable th{ text-align: center; border: 1px solid #111 !important; padding: 2px !important; background: #000; } PC Legion - All Levels Duelist11.72%Witch10.42%Slayer9.92%Shadow9.25%Marauder8.48%Ranger7.70%Trickster6.67%Templar5.58%Berserker3.41%Scion3.14%Gladiator2.63%Necromancer2.51%Chieftain2.22%Elementalist2.09%Hierophant1.95%Champion1.90%Deadeye1.61%Juggernaut1.43%Assassin1.43%Pathfinder1.40%Saboteur0.99%Ascendant0.93%Inquisitor0.78%Occultist0.75%Raider0.67%Guardian0.43%
Melee league in effect! Duelist topping out the picks for the first time in quite a while, with a healthy showing for Marauder. In fact, except for the Scion, the base class picks are fairly even. Unfortunately, while this data is useful for getting a broad look at perceptions of classes by the playerbase, it doesn't tell us a lot about the performance of each class. For that we tend to look at higher level characters:
PC Legion - Level 70+ Slayer25.63%Trickster16.12%Berserker8.35%Gladiator6.41%Necromancer5.16%Chieftain4.95%Champion4.26%Hierophant4.15%Elementalist3.66%Pathfinder3.07%Juggernaut2.94%Assassin2.91%Deadeye2.82%Saboteur2.16%Ascendant1.86%Occultist1.54%Raider1.39%Inquisitor1.36%Guardian0.94%Duelist0.09%Witch0.07%Shadow0.06%Marauder0.05%Ranger0.04%Templar0.02%Scion0.01%
The Slayer was a popular pick in the all-levels bracket, but it isn't until we cull the characters below level 70 that we really get to see just how popular he is. More than a quarter of all characters at mapping levels are Slayers. The Trickster is also a popular pick, mostly due to the synergy between Essence Drain/Contagion builds and the Legion mechanic. The Juggernaut, which has been a fairly popular pick for the last several years, is actually far down the list.
PC Legion - Level 90+ Slayer36.6739%Trickster20.0393%Berserker9.7722%Gladiator7.0269%Champion4.0865%Chieftain2.8610%Deadeye2.4845%Saboteur2.4776%Juggernaut2.4776%Necromancer1.9226%Ascendant1.6577%Assassin1.6173%Occultist1.3259%Hierophant1.2074%Pathfinder1.1726%Elementalist1.1475%Raider0.7334%Inquisitor0.6623%Guardian0.6483%Duelist0.0028%Witch0.0014%Shadow0.0014%
When we look at characters above level 90, the distinction becomes even greater. Though a smaller sample size (these stats were gathered about a week and a half into the league), more than a third of all level 90 characters are Slayers. Tricksters and Berserkers make up almost another third, and the remaining third is everyone else. This is a massive shift in the meta.
What happens when survivability matters, though? Let's take a look at just the high-level Hardcore characters.
PC Legion HC only - Level 90+ Trickster24.1693%Slayer23.0721%Gladiator12.4138%Juggernaut9.0596%Champion6.4577%Berserker5.7053%Chieftain3.7304%Necromancer2.6959%Guardian2.3824%Saboteur1.7868%Deadeye1.4420%Occultist1.4420%Ascendant1.4107%Pathfinder1.2226%Hierophant1.0658%Inquisitor0.5956%Raider0.5329%Elementalist0.5329%Assassin0.2821%
Interesting shift! Trickster overtakes the the Slayer in popularity when permanent death is a concern. These stats include all characters -- not just living ones -- but making it to 90 alive is no simple task. Juggernaut, which made up just a little more than 2% of all characters above level 70 across all leagues, makes up 9% in Hardcore. Gladiator is also, unsurprisingly, more popular in Hardcore.
Now, before we move into the Solo Self-found and console stats, it is worth mentioning that these numbers don't always equate to how powerful a class pick is. The Elementalist was extremely unpopular immediately after its rework, and it took a couple leagues for players to realise what a powerhouse it could be.
PC Legion SSF only - Level 90+ Slayer33.6546%Trickster23.4538%Gladiator13.0522%Berserker9.7992%Champion4.9398%Chieftain2.4900%Juggernaut2.4498%Saboteur1.6466%Necromancer1.0442%Raider0.9639%Occultist0.9639%Ascendant0.9639%Hierophant0.8835%Deadeye0.8835%Inquisitor0.7631%Pathfinder0.7631%Elementalist0.6024%Assassin0.5221%Guardian0.1606%
Without trade, the class breakdown is still quite similar to the trade leagues. Slayer and Trickster lead the picks. The broad changes to melee gems, in which gem levels often add some flat damage to the skill, has reduced the reliance on getting good weapons to play many melee characters. That has almost certainly helped the Slayer dominate in the tradeless leagues.
PlayStation 4 Legion - Level 70+ Slayer33.08%Trickster17.90%Berserker5.87%Gladiator4.92%Chieftain3.87%Necromancer3.76%Elementalist3.48%Assassin3.46%Champion3.20%Hierophant2.92%Juggernaut2.89%Deadeye2.37%Saboteur2.14%Pathfinder2.01%Inquisitor1.71%Occultist1.64%Ascendant1.60%Raider1.19%Duelist0.52%Guardian0.43%Shadow0.32%Witch0.20%Marauder0.19%Ranger0.17%Templar0.13%Scion0.02%
Xbox One Legion - Level 70+ Slayer31.64%Trickster15.77%Berserker8.05%Gladiator7.71%Champion4.27%Chieftain4.03%Hierophant3.54%Necromancer3.49%Saboteur2.91%Juggernaut2.86%Assassin2.77%Occultist2.18%Elementalist2.09%Deadeye1.94%Ascendant1.55%Pathfinder1.55%Raider1.07%Inquisitor0.92%Guardian0.63%Duelist0.49%Marauder0.15%Ranger0.10%Scion0.10%Shadow0.10%Witch0.05%Templar0.05%
As the PlayStation playerbase begins to mature, the class usage statistics begin to match the Xbox and PC metas more and more. It's fascinating watching a community coalesce across platform barriers! They aren't exactly the same -- the PlayStation stats for 'off-meta' picks are flatter than those of Xbox -- but they're growing closer and closer every league.
That's it for this stats roundup. Look forward to more later in the league!