over 5 years
ago -
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Our players have always been surprising us with their artistic skills, and after receiving a lot of great artwork inspired by the recent Path of Exile content, we decided it's time for another fan art competition! As always, we've prepared a prize pool that includes microtransactions, T-shirts, art books and more!
Top Three Winners
- A custom forum avatar made from your submitted art
- A special forum badge
- Your choice of two Path of Exile T-shirts - (Chaos Orb, Shaperor Untainted Paradise)
- Signed Path of Exile Art Book
- Chaos Orb Keychain
- Brutus Art Print
- Your choice of Weapon Effect from the list below
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list below
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list below
4th and 5th Place
- Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaperor Untainted Paradise)
- Signed Path of Exile Art Book
- Your choice of Weapon Effect from the list below
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list below
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list below
6th-10th Place
- Your choice of one Path of Exile T-shirt - (Chaos Orb, Shaperor Untainted Paradise)
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list below
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list below
- Your choice of Armour Set from the list below
- Your choice of Helmet Effect from the list below
Microtransaction Prize Pool
List of Weapon Effects- Acid Weapon Effect
- Arcane Weapon Effect
- Azure Seraph Weapon Effect
- Carnage Weapon Effect
- Ebony Weapon Effect
- Ghostflame Weapon Effect
- Kraken Weapon Effect
- Mystic Weapon Effect
- Pure Light Weapon Effect
- Purple Weapon Effect
- Radiant Weapon Effect
- Seraph Weapon Effect
- Vampiric Weapon Effect
- Verdant Weapon Effect
- Wasteland Weapon Effect
- Aquila Crest
- Automaton Halo
- Bent Horns
- Bleached Skull Helmet
- Brilliant Crown
- Coliseum Helmet Attachment
- Divine Sign
- Fiery Visage
- Iron Maiden
- Mark of the Phoenix
- Serrated Mohawk
- Skull Hood
- Spirit Charm
- Swan Crest
- Twisted Horns
- Arcane Armour Set
- Carnage Armour Set
- Desert Armour Set
- Dragon Armour Set
- Elite Armour Set
- Fallen Angel Armour Set
- Ghostflame Armour Set
- Gore Armour Set
- Gryffon Armour Set
- Lightning Armour Set
- Lunaris Armour Set
- Mageguard Armour Set
- Malachai Armour Set
- Necrotic Armour Set
- Radiant Armour Set
- Raven Armour Set
- Seraph Armour Set
- Stormcaller Armour Set
- Vampiric Armour Set
- Verdant Armour Set
How to Enter
Create still art that is inspired by anything introduced in Path of Exile. This excludes video submissions but does include any painting, drawing or model creation. Then just submit your work in this thread.Multiple submissions are welcome and encouraged. Please note that the submission needs to be your own work and needs to have been created after the launch of the competition.
Competition Times
The competition starts at the time of this post and will end on Tuesday the 29th of October at 9am (NZT). We'll announce the winners sometime in the following days.Best of luck to our community artists!