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The Reserved Life line would actually be "unreserved life" .
The Leech Pool line reprensents all recovery that aren't infinite, so it includes flasks, leech, recovery from warcries (I believe), and other heals like thaté
The ???! line would probably be your current life.
The Current Life??? I guess? line represents your remaining health assuming that you took all Petrified Blood damage at once (it's not quite your remaining life after PB ends, since it doesn't seem to account for recovery).
Total life seems accurate to me!
To clarify further:
Reservation blocks out the part of the orb that you can't use for anything any more, effectively lowering the cap. Below that, everything above current life is transparent (you don't have life here but might gain it), everything below current life is opaque (you do have life here but might be losing it).
The recovery indicator ("leech pool" above) shows your current life plus the expected total recovery from flasks and leech - this will be accurate if you don't have any other forms of recovery/loss happening, and if you do, it will move as your current life does to stay up to date. If it reaches the top of the life orb, you know you're on track to recover to full.
The petrified blood loss indicator shows your current life minus the expected total loss from petrified blood - this will be accurate if you don't have any other forms of recovery/loss happening, and if you do, it will move as your current life does to stay up to date. If it reaches the bottom of the life orb, you know you need to do something to change that because you're going to die otherwise.
The two are effectively mirrors of each other.
In practice, someone who's taking damage over time or other ongoing loss of life while recovering from a flask will see their current life going up or down depending on the totals, and the total life recovery indication going down (faster than current life if both are dropping) - because human eyes are good at tracking motion, it's easy to untuit the point at which they're going to meet, which is where your current life will be when the flask runs out. The same kind of intuition-from-motion happens with the petrified blood loss indicator and regeneration. While they provide useful information even as a static image, some of the information is lost because it comes from watching it change, including the case when you have both going, and can largely intuit where your life will end up by watching both indicators in motion.