almost 4 years
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On April 8th at 1PM (PDT), we will show you the first look at Path of Exile 2 since its announcement at ExileCon and will announce the full details of our upcoming Ultimatum expansion! This post contains everything you need to know before the livestream starts over on
In case you missed it, make sure you check out the teaser video for Ultimatum and Path of Exile 2 below before we get started!
What time does it start?
The livestream will start at 1PM (PDT) on April 8th which is Apr 08, 2021 3:00 PM (CDT) in your local time.What can I expect?
We'll showcase a new Path of Exile 2 trailer followed by a gameplay preview with developer commentary. Then we will reveal the trailer for Ultimatum and will have a deep dive into all of the new content and features in the expansion.After the deep dive, ZiggyD will join Chris Wilson live for a Q&A with questions from Twitch chat.
Following the Q&A, Rory Rackham (who was in charge of the development of the Ultimatum expansion) will be joining the Baeclast crew to discuss the announcements.
Where can I watch?
Tune in at to watch the livestream. We also welcome co-streaming of the announcement so you'll be able to watch the stream alongside your favourite streamers on their channels. Be sure to encourage them to get involved!Will Twitch Drops be enabled?
Yes, Twitch Drops for the Faith Guard Wings will be enabled from the start of the livestream until 9PM April 8th (PDT) for all channels streaming Path of Exile during that time.You will get your Faith Guard Wings after 30 minutes of accumulated watch time during this period. This promotion is available for both PC/Mac and console players.
If you're planning to stream Path of Exile during our livestream and want to enable Twitch Drops for your viewers, you can do it in your Twitch Creator Dashboard here.
- Step 1) Log into Path of Exile website.
- Step 2) Click here to check your Twitch Settings.
- Step 3) Link your Twitch account or click 'update permissions' if you've linked your account previously. Once your account is linked or your permissions have been updated, this page should say 'Your account is eligible to participate in Twitch Drops'.
After you have accumulated enough watch time to earn your Faith Guard Wings, you must redeem them from your Twitch Inventory before they will be available in your microtransactions list in Path of Exile.