almost 4 years
ago -
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On June 4th PDT, community streamers Lighty and Slipperyjim8 are organising an exciting charity private league! The goal of the league is for players to band together to complete a Unique Stash Tab, all while raising money for AbleGamers, a charity that helps people with disabilities play video games! Check out their announcement video below:
Anyone can donate via the link here, which can also be found on both Lighty and Jim's Twitch channels during the event.
The charity league will be a Private Ultimatum League lasting one week with no extra mods and 5000 player slots! If you would like to join, you can do so here.
Start time: Jun 04, 2021 9:00 AM (EDT). The event will last for one week. A countdown is available here.
Please Note: All of the above times are displayed in your local timezone.
There will be a league-wide community effort to 100% fill a Unique Stash Tab, with live tracking of missing uniques for the league's collection. Discoverers of the rarest uniques for ten different categories will be immortalized in a "Hall o' Fame" wallpaper created by Lighty's artist to commemorate the event. The categories give players of the league a goal to find specific Unique items within the private league's duration. Placement is determined by those who hand in their Uniques first to either Lighty, Jim or their respective moderators and multiple of the same uniques will be accepted.
The categories are as follows:
- Unique Abyss Jewel
- Curio Case Replacement Unique
- Metamorph Unique
- Blighted Unique
- Infused Harbinger Unique
- Unique Small Cluster Jewel
- Upgraded Incursion Unique
- Labyrinth Unique
- Oni-Goroshi
- Precursor's Emblem
Finally, there will be a raffle of 100 Apollyon Mystery Boxes supplied by GGG. All characters that reach level 40 or above are eligible to win a box and only one box can be won per account.
If you have any questions about the event or want more information, you can join Lighty's Discord channel here.
Where to Watch
The event will be livestreamed daily on both Lighty and Jim's Twitch channels:
A post league highlight video will also be uploaded to their YouTube channels:
We wish the best of luck to both Lighty and Jim, as well as everyone participating in the event!